Chapter 9

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Hope's P.O.V

I heard a cry coming from the girls bathroom, curiosity got the better of and i went into the bathroom to see a blood red hair girl sat in the corner crying. I walked over to her slowly her head was buried in her knees "are you ok?" i touched her shoulder, her head was lifted up her make up had ran down her face "w-who a-are you?" she sobbed. "I'm Hope" her eyes widened "really you Hope?" why was she so surprised? " yes i am" her eyes widened even more even though i don't know how that was possible "have you had any notes sent to you?" how did she know? was she behind the prank?

"yes why?" i raised an eyebrow, "that means there already planning it for sooner rather than later" she said to herself rather than me "planning what sooner?" i wanted to know since it was about me i think. "I can't say a lot but it's someone who hates the idea of what you are and who you are with" ugh too confusing maybe i should ask Jake but what if he hurt the red headed girl? no i couldn't do it she was nice.

"ok, so are you going to tell me why you are crying?" she stood up wiping the make up away that had smudged, "you can't tell anyone ok" i nodded not sure why she would trust someone she had only just met "my mum abuses me at home tonight she is going out with her friends and will get drunk then beat me.. i'm scared" maybe are parents should be together, the two abusers couple "i know how you feel my dad abused me that's why i ran here, you could stay at my place to night if you wanted".

Her face lighted up "really? yes thank, thank you!" it made me feel happy to help someone who was in the same position as me "but what about when i go back?" maybe i should ask if she wanted to share the apartment with me then the rent would be less, "do you want to share the apartment with me?" i know i didn't even know her but if it was me i would want someone to help me out.

"are you sure?" i nodded, "do you mind if you come to mine to get my stuff but my mum will be there so we eould have to be sneaky" i nodded once again i can't believe i was going to have a room mate, this was going to be fun.

After school i met the red headed girl by the buses, i couldn't sit with Jake on the bus because i had to get a different bus with the red headed girl to her house. "i never got your name" it would be useful if i had her name "Taylor". We arrived at Taylor's house it was one of those typical looking family home.

I followed Taylor around the back of the house "just climb up that ladder and into the window, it goes into my room" i walked up the ladder into her room which was plain all that was in it was a wardrobe and a bed. A few minutes later Taylor was in the room packing her bag "ok im done we have to be quick" i went down the ladder after Taylor and ran towards the bus stop.

Another five minutes later the bus arrived, both of us rushed onto the bus and sat at the back, "thank you again Hope" she sighed with relief i was just happy i was helping someone that was going through the same situation i did.

When we were in my apartment i had forgotten i had a double bed and no way was i sharing that, "um do you have a sleeping bed or something?" this was awkward "actually i did bring a sleeping bed just in case" she pulled out a bag which had the sleeping bag inside "where do you want me to place it?"

"If you don't want to sleep on the sleeping bed you could sleep on the coach" she nodded putting the sleeping bag back in her bag and putting her bags on the sofa. "Hope i need to show you something, you will be terrified with what you are going to see but don't freak out just follow me" i did as she said following her out of the hotel and into the Woods, i had no idea why i was following her for all i knew she could be planning to kill me.

"what are we doing here?" we had reached the middle of the woods "just look behind that oak tree and you will know why i brought you here" i frowned at her, this was confusing but i did as she said and looked behind the oak tree, i stood there in horror this wasn't normal.

thanks for reading

i know it was short and rubbish.

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