Chapter 21

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I'm sat in front Jake in his office because he wants to talk about my past life which i am dreading. "I feel like a school kid" Jake's office resembled a principles one, Jake chuckled to himself and put his feet up on the desk. "So what do you want to know?" its been two weeks since that guy cut my neck, and yes it did leave a scar which was really noticeable.

"What did your Dad do to you?"

"He abused me, you know this"

"I want to know the most extreme thing that happened" I didn't want to talk about Ryan, why did Jake need to know this?

"Before i answer that, how did Max know where i was when that guy grabbed me?" it had been bugging me ever since that incident.

"I told him to watch over you. Now answer my question" that explains it.

" was um..." i stuttered as tears soon began to fall, Jake started to shake his head.

"Please tell he didn't?" i closed my eyes in attempt to stop the tears from falling but it didn't work.

"No it was my dad's friend" I sucked up the tears, "he stole my innocence Jake" I was only fifteen when i lost it by force. I hated crying, it made me feel so weak and vulnerable.

"What's his name?" i could hear the anger running through his voice, his eyes are pitch with his teeth gritted together.

"Ryan" I watched as Jake looked like was remembering something.

"Ryan Sharp?" i nodded my head, how did he know his surname?

"Ryan and I were best friends and then he ran away when i was fourteen and he was seventeen. I want to rip his throat" the pen in Jake's pen that i didn't realize he was holding, snapped in half.

"Its no big deal, it was three years ago" i knew it was three years ago but i can still remember his horrible touch on me.

"It is a big deal!" Jake raised his voice, i flinched a little at the sudden tone in his voice "Don't say it isn't a big!"

"It's not my fault Jake! I didn't ask for it!" I yelled back at him, i didn't want to argue, especially about Ryan.

"So when I kissed you, that wasn't your first kiss?"

"You were my first kiss, he never kissed me!" i hated thinking back to the awful moment of my life, i've gone through beatings but that was too far. I watched as Jake's eyes searched mine.

"I need to go for a run" he stood up pushing his black leather chair back, running his hand through his hair he left the room. I buried my head into my hands, why was everything my fault? Maybe you just can't run away from your problems. Pinching the bridge of my nose, i got out of my chair and headed upstairs for a long warm bath.


After my very long bath i went downstairs to join Brandon in the living room. "So, i heard you and my idiotic brother had a argument" his eyes didn't leave the TV as he continued to kill zombies, how had the news flew so quickly?

"How did you know?"

"um, i heard it" and probably most of the house did, "I'm sorry that Ryan guy done that to you, Jake is just being a jerk for running off" i nodded in agreement, Jake is being a jerk. "He always runs away from his problems. Not that you're a problem" i let out a sigh, boys.

"I'm going to go for a walk, wanna come?" i asked Brandon as i got up from the sofa, Brandon paused his zombie game and jumped up from the sofa.

"Yeah, I could use a walk" Brandon yawned while stretching his muscular arms. For someone who is only 16 he is tall, nearly as tall as Jake.

Outside the birds sang sweet songs as they dived in and out of the tall and mighty trees. The grass waved with the wind while the beautiful flowers were starting to blossom.

That's the best thing about the forest, it's so quiet and full of the most beautiful nature and animals. While the birds come out to sing in the daylight, the wolf's come out at night and howl at the big bright moon.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I had completely forgotten that Brandon was walking beside me. I looked back towards the house, to see that it wasn't there, had we already walked that far?

"Yeah...breathtaking" I may have been in these woods a few times but ever since I found out about werewolves the woods seemed to be more magically beautiful in a different way. Like the way the light beamed through the top of the trees and hit the grass beneath the trees. It somewhat seemed enchanted.

Suddenly a group of deer's ran in front of us going to the other side of the woods. At the back of the group of deer's a mother and her fawn were slowly trying to catch up with the rest of the group, the fawn stumbled a few times but managed to stay up. 

I loved watching the mother nudge the small fawn, she could just leave the fawn and go join the rest of the deer's but she chooses to stay with her fawn like a mother should. Only if i was that fawn. I would actually have a mother to guide me instead of leaving me on my own.

As soon as the two deer's left we continued to walk deeper into the woods. "What happened to your mother?" Brandon asked playing with his hands.

"She left me when i was 8" if i ever met her i don't think i could forgive her, leaving me with that beast. If she didn't leave i wouldn't have gone through those torture years. A mother is supposed to protect you not leave you.

"I'm sorry, i didn't know" i shook my head, i was used to my mother not being around. All i can remember is that she had beautiful brown hair hair and brown eyes. Her features are a bit of a blur since it has been eleven years.

"It's fine, i don't care about her anymore" Brandon and i made it to a small lake, the lake was just as beautiful as the rest of the woods. Listening to the rushing water was relaxing. My mind was no longer on Jake, it was set on taking in the sound of nature.

"My parents aren't exactly amazing" Brandon and Jake's family have been at the pack house for a while now, Jake never told me the reason why. "The reason they are at the pack house is because of Jake, it was my older brother who was supposed to be Alpha but Jake proved to be the better Alpha out of my him and my oldest brother, so they all moved into the pack house because they didn't want to know Jake".

 At least Jake has Brandon, "What about the other younger brother Jake told me about?" i wonder if his younger brother looks anything like them.

"Yeah he is with my parents, he's 14. He had no choice but to go with them because he is my parents favourite" I have always wondered what it would be like to have siblings, to have someone to be there for you.

But if i did have siblings, then they would be stuck in the same situation as me, being beat up by your own father.

Thanks for reading.

I know i have taken forever to update but i have had loads of exams and i have been preparing for my practice interview which is on Tuesday. So i should be updating more frequently when my Christmas holiday starts.

Oh and i have decided that i will be doing a squeal to this book :D

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