Chapter 18

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The brown wolf that stood in front of me and was huge, i just couldn't believe it was my dad, he looked even more scary than usual. I looked up at Jake his eyes had turned pitch black, i didn't understand why, Jake had never told me anything about this before. Jake pushed me out of the way and shifted into his huge black wolf, his wolf towered over my dads one, but that didn't stop my dad from attacking. 

I knew what Jake's move was wrong because now everyone in that room were shifting into their wolves, I looked over towards the rest of the gang and noticed they were gone. I felt a hand grab my arm, before i could scream a hand covered my mouth. As soon as i had been pulled back, i looked at the persons face only to see Ollie, "Ollie what are you doing!?" i asked as he continued to drag me behind stage.

"Away from here" I couldn't leave Jake back there to defend for himself, there were hundreds of wolves back there, and he was on his own. I tried to stop but of course Ollie still dragged me towards the exit of the building.

"What about Jake?" i started to panic, Jake could die back there and i wouldn't have the chance to save him.

"The rest of the pack is here, he should be fine" should be? Ollie dragged me through the exit door and towards his car. I started to cry, i haven't even gone on a date with him yet. Ollie opened the passenger door to his car and put me in there. "Stay here, i will be right back ok?" I nodded as he shut the passenger door without locking the car, i looked at this as an opportunity to escape and help Jake.

As soon as Ollie went i jumped out of the car and ran towards the exit door, luckily for me no one was back stage, so i managed to get to the front of the stage. That's when I saw Jake's wolf surrounded by so many wolves. What now? What was i supposed to do? I'm just a weak human that can't defend herself.

I searched the room to look for a weapon and there on the floor was a sharp bit of plastic, it wouldn't be good as a knife but this was my best shot. Running as fast as i could, i stabbed one of the wolf's that was behind Jake, in the side. The wolf yelped in pain falling to the ground, i moved to the next wolf that was at Jake's side and stabbed it in the side. A wolf pounced onto of me snarling in my face, raising the bit of plastic i stabbed the wolf in it's side, the wolf rolled off of me.

I looked up to see Jake ripping out a wolf's throat, i noticed there were more wolves in the room fighting each other, must be Jake's pack. The wolf's i had recently stabbed were slowly getting back onto their paws, I looked at Jake who was finished with the wolf he was ripping the throat out of, i decided to run for the exit knowing Jake would be right behind me.

Soon as we made it through the exit door we headed to his car where spare clothes were. I waited by the side of the car while Jake changed into some clothes. "I can't believe you done that" I looked towards the now fully clothed Jake.

"What else was i supposed to do? I knew you would be in trouble" I looked down at my dress to see it was shredded at the bottom and had dirt all over it, a few cuts and bruise were left on my arm. 

"No i meant you were amazing out there" I didn't see what i done as important, i mean after all i'm not a werewolf.

"What about the rest of the gang?"

"Don't worry i told the pack to retreat" I knew this wasn't the end, my dad was still out there and he will do anything to destroy Jake and I. I got into the passenger sear of Jake's car, the memory of Jake ripping that wolf's throat out still scared me.


Taylor came running up to me, embracing me into a hug "Yasmin told me what happened" how would Yasmin tell what happened when we were the first ones to leave?

"How did she tell you?"

"Mind link, every pack has it" a new thing to learn about. She finally released me from the hug allowing me to go to Jake.

"What now?" could i even go back to school with this going on? I hated school but i needed my education to get a better job than just working in a restaurant . All i knew was my dad had to die.

"Well most of my pack have left and joined the one that is against us, so now i'm not to sure" this was my fault, if i had never ran away from home Jake would still have his pack and he could of found another girl to be his Luna.

"I'm sorry Jake" 

"Don't be sorry i would rather loose my whole pack than loose you" I didn't look him in the eye because if i did my cheeks would be on fire. "Oh and by the way we still need to go on a special date" how could we go on a date with everything happening at the moment? I'm sure Alex and the rest of the gang would be annoyed with us going on a date, and them having to put up with the packs complaints.

"What about this situation?"

"I'm not going to let this stop our love ok?" I cringed that sounded so cliche, it was sweet but cliche. I noticed how messed up his hair was and the dirt all of his hands, but yet he still managed to look good.

Thanks for reading.

I know this is short but i didn't want to ruin the rest of the book.

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