Chapter 8

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Hope's P.OV

I never knew shopping could be so painful, we've been here for three hours and all i have bought is some knew leggings and tops where Chantelle and Yasmin have so many bags that they had to put some in the car. At the moment i was slowly sipping my Chocolate milkshake enjoying not having to walk around anymore. Suddenly if felt cold liquid being poured over my head, i looked around to see the famous barbie laughing with the cup in her hand.

So i done what any other person would do i poured my milkshake over her head, "i can't believe you just done that" i smiled quite proud of myself, "you had it coming" i could here Yasmin and Chantelle giggling behind me. "This isn't over" she pointed at me with her ugly finger, after she stormed off i couldn't help but laugh this was too funny even though i was still covered in her germy drink.

Yasmin and Chantelle came to my side "we go you something" Yasmin squealed while Chantelle pulled this tube of cream out of her bag "this will help to cover your scars so now you can't refuse to where shorts" no way was i wearing shorts. I shook my head " i refuse to wear shorts" Chantelle started giving me the puppy eyes pouting her bottom lip out "fine" i took the tube out of Chantelle's hand.

"Besides your coming over to my house to night and i want you to dress all fancy like" Yasmin told me, she couldn't of told me this three hours ago! "Well now i have to buy new make up as well" both of them giggled and dragged me straight into new look.

After another hour and a half we were on our way back to get ready at Yasmin's house, "who's going to be there? and why do we have to dress up?" she never actually told me the reason for all of this i swear this girl left everything to the last minute, "me, Chantelle, Jake, Ollie, Max, Alex and their family along with my mum and dad's friends" that sounded like a lot of people, what if i bumped into Jake's parents?

Why was i worried about that? i should be worrying about all the people that are going to be there! "to answer your second question i may or may not of left out that it's my mums birthday" like i said she leaves everything to the last minute, "i didn't even get her a present!" i felt so rude what was i going to do? "Don't worry about it she will have hundreds of present" hundreds of presents equals hundreds of people, way to make me feel better Yasmin. 

The car came to a halt, what were we doing here? the building we were outside of was the biggest mansion i have ever seen so it must be a mistake that we are here right? Yasmin and Chantelle had already gotten out of the car while i still sat there like a idiot staring at the mansion "are you coming" Chantelle asked, i slowly nodded and got out of the car taking my bags out of Yasmin's hand.

"Is this your house?" i still couldn't get over how huge her house was, "yeah why?" she should know why, "because it's huge" i wouldn't mind hanging out here more often, she just shrugged as me and Chantelle followed her into her house and upstairs. "OK Hope you can get ready in my room Chantelle you can get ready in the bathroom next door and i will go in my walk-in wardrobe" we all nodded and went to get ready.

I sat on Yasmin's desk spreading my make up out on it, i quick applied the eyeliner on my water line, i know you shouldn't do that but i liked it. I then added some mascara and finished the make up off with red lipstick. I went through my new look bag and grabbed the black cocktail dress Yasmin and Chantelle picked out for me i refused at first but they wouldn't let me out of the mall until i got it. The dress was one sleeve that had diamonds at the end of the sleeve and on the shoulder, it was one of those dresses that were supposed to hug your figure but i don't think that i do, the dress came down to half of the thigh.

 I wasn't allowed to do my hair because Yasmin wanted to do It, while i was waiting for Yasmin to finish i covered up all of my scars with this cream they had bought for me. After i was done i looked in Yasmin huge mirror that was opposite her bed, all of my scars were completely covered up, i actually didn't look as bad as i usually did and my hair didn't smell of milkshake after Barbie had put it on my hair and Yasmin and Chantelle dragged me into new look i told them i need to get the milkshake out of hair so we went to a hair dressers to wash it out.

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