chapter 2

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I got up as i usally do but today i had P.E which i was afraid of becuase of all the scars on my arms and legs. People would start getting curious, i was going to have to make up a story if they asked. I changed into to a pair of skinny jeans my dad had ruined the opitunity to where shorts ever again. Then i put on my long leave white top on, I put some light make up on the only reason I had make up was because my dad made me do little shows in front of his friends with short skirts and crop tops on.

It made me feel terrible about myself, it scared me. I remembered Jake would be on the bus which made me smile he was so kind and handsome, whoa whoa you just called him handsome you know all the boys who you think are kind actually turn out to be using you! A voice in my head nagged at me but I ignored it this guy didn't seem nasty one bit.

I grabbed my bag and went out of the lobby and to the bus station where the bus had just pulled up, I got on the bus and took my usual seat next to Jake. "Hey" he said smiling with his pure white teeth.

"Hi" I returned the smile "I never got to ask you the other day, why haven't you got any parents with you?" he asked, I gulped I had been dreading this question "well my mum left me and my dad when I was 8 and well let's just say I managed to escape my dad for good reasons".

"What did he do to make you leave? I'm guessing that's why you were running to catch the bus when I first saw you" I shifted uncomfortably in my seat "I don't really want to talk about him" I looked down playing with my bag "I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you like that" he said with a apologetic smile, "it's ok you were going to ask eventually"I smiled back awkwardly.

The bus eventually made it at the school. I walked side by side with Jake into the school heading towards the P.E hall where our first lesson was. "I will see you in a bit" he smiled and went off into the boys changing rooms and I went off to the girls where I didn't know anyone.Great. I got dressed into some shorts and a short sleeve top which we apparently had to wear.

I crossed my arms over so no one could see my scars as much but there was nothing I could do about my legs where the scars travelled all the way down to my ankles, the worst one was on my knee cap which was the most recent one the night before I left, I still didn't walk properly I had a bit of a limp hopefully no one would notice.

"What the hell happened to you? you look like you have just been through a shredder" one of the girls in the changing room said, I ignored her and went into the hall where it looked like all the boys were and two girls just stood in the corner, I spotted Jake talking to one of the boys like he knew I was there he looked up and smiled but it quickly faded when he spotted the scars.

He started walking saying bye to his friend, when he reached me I knew what he was going to say "this is why you ran from your dad wasn't it?" I nodded looking down at my trainers. "you should have told me Hope" I heard the anger in his voice" why did he care he hardly knew me, "why do you care anyway?" I asked, "because no girl should have to go through that and your really sweet I can't believe your own father would do that".

Someone actually cared? of course not you idiot he's just using you no one will ever care about you, your to far gone! look at yourself! the voice nagged at me but it was true. "Well someone has to go through with it and that someone happens to be me" I shrugged still looking at my trainers, "no they don't Hope, if anyone picks on you about the scars just come to me okay?" I nodded as the gym teacher whistled telling us to come over.

"Okay kids, today we are playing netball" most of the students groaned but someone of the girls screamed in excitement "I want you to get into two teams, go!" I stood awkwardly while everyone got into teams when I heard my name "Hope come over here" jake called, I shuffled my feet over to a large group of boys with only a few girls, I was never good at meeting new people.

I saw all of them just stare at my scars, didn't anyone ever tell them it's rude to stare "what happened to-" one of the boys were about to ask but got cut off with Jake giving him a death glare.

"Okay guys this is Hope she's new here" he smiled, I waved at everyone and they returned it back.

P.E went quick and our team won, I still had peoples eyes on my scars people were about to ask questions but Jake get giving them death glares. I went to the changing rooms to get changed when I heard some girls whispering about me "what's up with all those scars on her? do you think she cuts herself?" one of the girls asked, "yeah she probably does it for attention" another girl added which actually hurt a lot I don't want people to think that.

I walked around the corner where the girls were talking about me, they all looked up shocked "actually I didn't cut myself" I left it with that comment and got changed into my normal clothes and walked to my next lesson.

It was lunch already, I met up with Jake to have lunch with him and his friends that I hadn't met yet. We both sat down next to each other with his group of friends, there were three other boys and two other girls. "ok well this is Max" he pointed at the first guy who had shaggy brown hair with grey/blue eyes he put up his hand and smiled, "this is Alex" he pointed at the guy next to Max, he had messy brown hair that suited him very well with pure green eyes.

Alex waved and grinned, "that is Oliver but everyone calls him Ollie" he had mousy hair colour that was spiky with chocolate brown eyes he said hi.

All of the boys were very good looking including Jake, I can't believe I just thought that! "That's Yasmin" he pointed at a girl with long beautiful brown hair, she had blue eyes "hey" she was very bubbly. "And this is Chantelle" she had short blonde hair with green eyes "hi".

"This is Hope be nice" he laughed "hey Hope" they all said at once, I returned it with a smile. "Lovely name by the way" Yasmin said, "thanks I love your hair" she smiled back. "um I'm sorry for staring at your scars in P.E" Alex said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly I the realised it was him that was about to ask that question in P.E.

"It's ok, I'm use to it"

"By the way I don't cut myself, everyone seems to assume that" I said making sure none of them thought that I cut myself. They all nodded, "Hope did you want to join all of us on the weekend at the park for a pick nick?" Max asked, at first I wasn't sure but then nodded why not I haven't been out before like that.

The rest of the day was gone in a flash I went to my job for the first time which was fun and she was paying me every Friday. I just couldn't wait until Saturday.

Thanks for reading

Song: I know you care Ellie Goulding

A picture of Jake --------->

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