Chapter 27

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*1 week later*

It was nice to finally be home. I am so tired of hospitals. "We should have a movie day" Yasmin announced.

"Actually I wanted to visit Alex's grave" I say. I just needed to talk to him even if he won't hear it.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to settle back in before you go and visit his grave" Jake says, setting down my bags in the hallway.

"Yeah I am sure, but we can watch a movie when we get back" Jake nods and we all pile into the car again.

"I'm so glad you're awake" Yasmin says, she has been saying it all week.

"I know you told me" Jake pulled up at the graveyard.

"And I'm going to keep saying it until it feels real" just as everyone was about to get out of the car I stopped them.

"Do you guys mind if I go alone. It would be kind of embarrassing if you guys were there."

"Okay, it's the grave closest to the rose bush" Jake kisses my forehead before I leave.

I go straight to Alex's grave and sit down in front of it. "Hi Alex, I sort of feel stupid for speaking to a grave but I'm going to anyway. Thank you for saving me. Twice. I wish you were here so I could hug you. I miss you so much, Alex. You were a great friend not just to me but everyone else too. Why did you have to save me? I would rather you were alive now instead of me. You didn't even get a chance to meet your mate. I'm sorry I took that from you." I wiped the tears that fell. "Goodbye, Alex".

I got up wiping the away the rest of the tears that fell down my face. That was so hard. It felt even more real now that I had seen his grave. "Are you okay?" Jake comes up to me. I hug him tightly, crying my eyes out. "Come on, let's go home".

Jake took my hand and intertwined our fingers. "I know it's hard but it's all going to be okay" Jake got into the drivers seat and I got into the passenger seat.

No one said anything the whole journey home and I'm glad they didn't. All of us got of the car and went inside. "Movie time?" Yasmin suggested. I nodded, I needed to get my mind off of Alex.

I cuddled up to Jake on the sofa in the living room. "What should we watch?" Max asked going through the DVD box.

"The best of me?" I suggest since it was one of my favorite films.

"Oh my gosh, yes! We should totally watch that!" Yasmin squealed.

"Ew no way, I'm not watching some lovey dovey film" Ollie pulled a face in disgust.

"What about Monster inc?" They all shake their heads. "Mean girls?" Again they shake their heads, "oh my gosh! What then!? Batman!?"

"Yeah, we should watch Batman" Brandon says.

"No I'm not watching Batman. I would rather watch paint dry" Yasmin states.

"Let's just watch Identify thief" everyone nods in agreement. "Finally" I huffed.

Halfway through the movie I felt my eyes go droopy. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


Jake's P.O.V

She lightly snored as she slept, her chest rising up and down slowly. The movie had ended and everyone was asleep apart from Max and I.

"Have you read that note again?" Max asked. When Hope was in hospital I received a note from Tom. It said 'Hey, missed me? It's been awhile, don't expect it to stay quiet. I'm fed up of waiting, it's time to end this. From your best friend, Tom :)

"Yeah I did and I don't know what to do. He is going to attack again whether we like it or not."

"Tom isn't going to stop until he gets his hands on Hope and you know that." I looked down at Hope, she didn't deserve this.

"I know and we have to stop him before he gets to her" I couldn't let him hurt her again.

"Are you going to tell her about this?" I shook my head, she was already suffering from the loss of Alex.

"No I can't. Hopefully we will stop Tom before I need to tell her. So we need to find him soon. Do you think you could train the pack? We need to be ready.

"Yeah, sure. Why don't you ask Ollie and Brandon if they can get some of the pack members to go and track down Tom with them."

"Yeah I will ask them when they decide to wake up" Brandon was currently cuddled up to Ollie with his mouth wide open and Ollie was hanging over the sofa arm with his mouth wide open.

"I think that's going to be awhile" Max laughed. I decided to carry Hope up to bed so I could carry on with my work. I set her gently on my bed and put the blanket over her.

I hurried back downstairs. Brandon and Ollie were still asleep so I hit them both on the head with a pillow. "Wake up and meet me in my office".

Max followed me into my office along with Ollie and Brandon. "We need to sort out this situation with Tom".

"Like what? He isn't going to stop anytime soon" Brandon says, slouching into the seat in front of my desk.

"I need you and Ollie to take some pack members and track down Tom and his pack".

"We can try but Tom has probably thought about all of this. He isn't dumb, Jake" Ollie says.

"I know he isn't but I can't think of anything else. I just want Hope to be safe.."

"No one is safe anymore, no matter how much you try, Hope will never be safe." Brandon says.

"Don't say that. I'm going to protect her. As soon as we get rid of Tom everything will be fine".

"What about her dad? He is still a big threat." Max says.

"We will get rid of him too" if we were going to do this, then we needed to start tomorrow.

"What are you and Max going to do? Ollie and I aren't doing all the hard work" Brandon says.

"Max and I are going to start training the pack."

"Okay, then who is going to stay here with Hope?"

"Yasmin and Taylor. We need to start tomorrow so get up early."

Thanks for reading

I'm sorry it was so short.

Song: Ed sheeran- I'm a mess

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