Chapter 26

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"Hope" the voice calling my name sounded like an angel. "Hope, wake up. Please" the angels voice was starting to sound more and more like Jake. "I miss you. Don't leave me" I felt wet drips land on my hand, making my hand twitch.

"Can you hear me? It's been six months since the accident" six months!? I hope Brandon and Alex are okay. "Something happened but I'll tell you about that when you wake up".

I tried my hardest to open my eyes, but nothing happened. I wanted to cry and I couldn't even do that. I really hope nothing happened to Alex or Brandon.

"Yasmin's been going crazy, she comes here every week to tell you about Greyson. She has finally told Greyson that she is a werewolf, of course it took him a while to get use to it but he is fine now".

After a while of Jake talking I was finally able to force my eye lids open. Taking in a gasp I sat up straight, holding onto the side of the hospital bed. Jake was at my side within seconds. "Do you want me to call the doctor?" I shook my head still trying to catch my breath.

"T-tell me w-what happened" I wanted to know if Alex and Brandon were still alive.

"Well, Brandon made it. He was in a coma for three months. Alex dove back down into the water and saved you. As soon as he pushed you up to the surface I grabbed you but Alex never came up. Alex is dead".

Alex had saved my life twice. It's my fault he is dead. "This is all my fault" burying my face into my hands I began crying out a river.

"It's not your fault, in fact it is my fault. I was the one who swerved into the river." I still couldn't come to terms at the fact, Alex is dead. It all seemed so surreal.

"It isn't your fault, it's the guy was in the wrong lanes fault." Why was he in the wrong lane? How could you end up in the wrong lane?

"Can you ask the doctor, if I can leave now?" Jake nodded going outside of the room to get a doctor.

A couple minutes later, Jake came back with the doctor. "How are you feeling?" The doctor asked, holding a clipboard.

"Fine. I just want to go home." The doctor continued to write down on his clipboard.

"Unfortunately, since you have been in a coma for six months we have to keep you in here for another week." Ugh, I hate hospitals.

"Okay" it was so hard to process everything that is happening. I find out that I've been in a coma for six months and now Alex is dead.

The doctor left Jake and I alone. "What was the funeral like?" I asked Jake.

"It was awful. Everyone dressed in white and we played his favorite song, Painting flowers by All time low. That's when everyone started to cry, even I did." Jake looked at his hands.

"How is Max taking this, I know they were best friends since kindergarten?"

"He hasn't really talked to anyone since he found out. I don't think this was an accident, Hope. I think that car headed our way on purpose" Jake looked up at me.

"What are we going to do? What if this happens again and next time we don't make it? What then, Jake?"

"I honestly don't know, all I know is we have to stop this one way or another." Jake held my hand again, "I've missed you so much."

"I can't imagine what it was like. If it was you I think I would go insane".

"Believe me I think I did. I've barely left your side. It's just so good to hear your voice."

"It was nice to wake up to your voice. Shouldn't you be telling the others that I'm awake?" Jake was about to pull out the phone, when Yasmin came rushing in.

"Oh my gosh! You're awake" Yasmin squealed as she ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"How did you know I was awake?" Yasmin stopped hugging me and took a seat.

"Oh, I've been ringing the hospital every day just in case you woke up. How are you feeling?"

"Tired and kind of overwhelmed with all the information Jake has updated me on."

"He told you Alex died?" Yasmin's eyes glasses over as she bites her lip. "I miss him so much."

"I know and I'm sorry, this is all my fault. Alex would still be alive if it wasn't for me."

"No it isn't, Hope. I'll admit at first I did blame you but that was just the anger. This is no one's fault."

The door yet again opened, revealing Brandon and Max. "Hope, it's so good to see you awake" Brandon grinned, hugging me.

"It's good to see you. How are you doing?"

"It was kinda hard when I came out of the coma, but I guess I'm doing okay now."

Max came over to me and hugged me gently, like Brandon did. "We've missed you so much." Max pulled out of the hug and sat down with the rest of them.

"You look awful. When we get home I'm taking you shopping" Yasmin says. Did I really look that bad?

"Shut up, Yasmin. She looks beautiful as usual" Jake smiled.

Yasmin rolled her eyes, "Tell that to her shallow cheeks". I put a hand up to my cheek. As soon as I felt my cheek bone sticking out I pulled my hand back.

"Can I have a mirror?" I ask Yasmin. Yasmin passes me her pocket mirror. Flipping it open, I studied my reflection. My cheeks were hollow and I had dark bags underneath my eyes. Yasmin was right, I look awful.

Handing Yasmin her mirror back I stayed silent. I didn't even recognize myself.

"I'm kind of tired" I say as I struggle to keep my eyes open. Laying my head back down on the pillow, I pull the sheets closer to me.

"Seriously? I've been waiting for ages to talk to you. You've been asleep for six months, how much more sleep do you need?" Yasmin whined.

"Yasmin! She's just come out of a coma, of course she is going to be tired!" Max scolded Yasmin.

"Sorry, I just miss you so much. I'll wait until you're rested."

"Okay, I'm sure you have plenty to tell me about Greyson" I smile as I begin to drift off to sleep.

Thanks for reading.

I know this was short and boring but I wanted to update, since I haven't in ages.

Song: ATL-Painting flowers

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