Chapter 3

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Hope's P.O.V

I brushed my blonde hair to the side in a braid and put on my leggings and a white cream jumper with pumps I finished off with putting my make up on. I grabbed my leather shoulder bag and went out of the lobby to get the bus to meet jake and his friends at this park for a picnic. I knew sooner or later the hotel were going to kick me out that's why I needed to get as much money as possible to rent a tiny apartment.

I waited for the bus to come for about ten minutes I was hoping Jake would be on the bus since I didn't know this place very well, to my luck he was on the bus in his usual seat. I took my spot next to him, "hey you nervous?" he asked, of course I was nervous I barley knew these people and yet I'm having a picnic with them! "how can you tell?" I ask, "when your nervous you tend to play with something" I don't realise that I had been playing around with my nails.

"You don't have to worry my friends may be crazy but you will be fine with them"

The bus came to a stop outside this huge that had a few little hills flowers sprouting up every where, I spotted the rest of the gang on top of one of the little hills more like bumps, they were all set up with the picnic and giggling. Me and Jake got off the bus heading their way everyone looked up with grins on their face and started to wave, waved back.

Jake sat down first then I followed sitting next him. "Ok Hope we want to ask you 15 questions and you have to answer them honestly just so we can get to know you better" Chantelle told me, did I have to? i know thy are going to ask about my scars or what if they ask about my dad? I nod just to get it over and done with.

"How old are you?"


"Do you have any pets?"


"Have you ever got in trouble with the law?"


"What's your favourite colour?"

"Ocean blue"

"What's your middle name?"


"What's your dream job?"

"Um I'm not sure yet"

"Have you had your first kiss yet?"

"No" I blushed, I mean who cares I never got close to a guy before.

"Hugged a guy?"


"Have you been bullied?"


"Did you beat them up?"


"Did you move here with your parents?"

"Um no I didn't"

"Why not?"

"Long story"

"Where are your parents"

"My dad is at home and my mum left us when I was 8"

"Do you miss them?"

"Not really"

"How did you get those scars?"

"I-I can't a-answer that" I stuttered, no way was I telling Chantelle what my dad done i barley knew her, "come on tell us" I shook my head I knew she wasn't going to drop it though "It couldn't of been that bad" she has no idea. "I really can't" I played with my bag, why can't she just drop the subject already, "tell us!" she practically wined "Chantelle don't force her if she doesn't want to say anything then she doesn't have to!" jake shouted at her, thank goodness.

After that everyone sat in awkward silence until Ollie broke it "come on guys lets play some frisbee" everyone got up and Max was the first one to throw it. Jake came up behind me and whispered in my ear making me shiver "sorry about Chantelle she can be a bit pushy".

"It's okay I knew she would ask" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the rest of the group to join in with their frisbee game. After the game we were all smiling and laughing forgetting about earlier, we sat around the picnic basket and started eating.

"So Hope, are you planning on staying here?" Alex asked, i finished my mouth full before replying "um yeah"
"Cool". After everyone finished the group got up at played frisbee again apart from me and Jake who stayed their talking for a while. "Hope, you know it's obvious that you have a limp, do you mind if I have a look?" he asked, no Hope don't let him lay one finger on you! I ignored the voice in my head and nodded.

I rolled back my leggings that revealed loads of cuts but the main was on my knee on my right leg where my dad had sliced a knife across it. "you need to get it checked out by a doctor" no way was I doing that the doctor would ask me what happened, I shook my head "they will ask what happened".

"Then at least let me sort it out for you" he went through his bag and grabbed out a mini first aid kit "really you carry a mini first aid kit in your bag?" I laughed. "Well you never know when your going to need it", he grabbed some cream out of his back and gently put it on the cut, I never usually let anyone touch my cuts before but he seemed different. After he was done with the cream he slowly wrapped a bandage around it and secured it with a pin.

I rolled my leggings back down "thanks, no ones ever done that for me before" I smiled while thanking him, "well maybe it's time for a change".
The gang came back over and packed all their stuff up saying their goodbyes, "come on we have a bus to catch" jake said getting up and offering me a hand I took it and joined him in the short walk to the bus station.

Once we took our usual seats we began talking again "how long are you planning on staying in that hotel?" I shrugged "until I can get enough money to rent out my own place" he nodded in agreement "do you want to meet up tomorrow so you can ask me questions?" he asked, I was quite surprised he would ask to meet up "ok since I have nothing else to do".

The bus came to a stop outside of the hotel, I waved goodbye to jake and went back to my boring room.

Thanks for reading

A picture of Yasmin ------>

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