Chapter 5

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Hope's P.O.V

We emerged the group who were throwing their bottles onto the sand and paying their attention to us. Jake and I tried to go around the group but two large men stood in front of us crossing their arms over their chest like some bodyguards.

The gang began surrounding us, "well if it isn't Jake and oh look guys it's shredder" one of the gang members said while the rest of them laughed, I recognised him from P.E I think his name was Tom. "Grow up Tom and let us go past" Jake crossed his arms over his chest frustrated, "and why would I do that when I could have some fun with you guys" Tom smirked.

The two 'bodyguards' took one step closer to us "want a cigarette?" a girl asked me shoving her dirty cigar in my face, I turned my head "no, I don't smoke" smoking never appealed to me I'm sorry but I didn't want to die young.

"Oh come on stop being a wuss" she inhaled her cigar and blew it out in my face, I coughed a little "get lost Shannon she's my toy" a boy from the gang stepped up, he was tall with short blonde hair and blue eyes "she's no ones toy" Jake said to the annoying blonde.

The blonde only smirked and came closer to me "what is she your mate? I see you haven't marked her yet" what the hell was the blonde going on about, what did mate and mark mean? I'm guessing he means mate as in friend and mark meant like some crazy tattoo or something. I think the blonde could see the confusion on my face "oh you haven't told her yet?" the blonde laughed, Jake tensed "that's none of your business Harry" so the blondes name was Harry.

"Jake, how do you know these people?" he did seem to know all of their names, Jake looked down to me "I'll tell you later but for now we need to get past them." I nodded waiting for him to come up with something "what do you guys want?" really he was going to ask them that? "We want her" Harry said pointing at me "well your not going to get her so budge".

Harry laughed "why don't we ask shredder what she wants? so shredder do you want to come with us and have fun or stay with this loser?" he has got to be kidding why would I go with him? "I'd rather die than go with you" Tom stepped forward "that can be arranged but not yet so scram shredder before I change my mind, Jake we need to talk to you before you leave."

I did as he said and went past the two 'bodyguards' further down the beach until I reached a log and sat down. It was starting to get darker now, it took about half an hour before Jake came back with a bloody lip I stood up from the log and walked over to him as he came closer "what happened to your lip!?" I bet he was in a fight "I got into a little fight with Tom nothing serious" we started heading towards the bus station but I still had a few questions to ask.

"What did Harry mean by mate and mark?" he sighed but told me anyway "he meant mate as in friend and and mark means tattoo" I knew I was right "but why would you want to tattoo me?" I felt so stupid asking these questions "it's just a gang thing I use to do" was he part of that gang before? "Did you use to be friends with them?"

"Yeah I was but they weren't a very good influence so I joined another group" sounded like a good reason I mean look at them.

The bus finally came me and Jake took our usual seats at the back, all we talked about was what had just happened. "I will see you at school"

"ok bye".

I got out of the bus and went up to my room to have a shower then I got into bed falling into a nightmare.


I kept begging him not to make me go downstairs in this outfit, he made me wear a mini skirt and a crop top "if you don't get down there I will beat you again" I did as he said and went down the stairs slowly.

Once I was downstairs I went into the living room where my dads drunk friends were, I stood there shaking like a leaf while they stared at me "do a turn for us" one of them said, I did the turn but I done it fast.

"Come sit on my lap" the only reason I sat on his lap was because I knew my dad would beat me if I didn't. The drunk man started rubbing his hands on my arms, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him "here you can have her now" he said and pushed me onto the other guys lap.

The drunk guy put his hands on my waist and was about to kiss my neck but I managed to get out of his lap and run to my room where my angry father stood.

"Time for your beating since you've been a bad girl" he raised his fist and punched me hard in the stomach making me fall to the floor holding my stomach he kept kicking me until I passed out.

I woke up with fresh tears rolling down my face I knew that was no nightmare it was my life.

Thank you for reading

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