Chapter 10

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Hope's P.O.V

What was in front of me to be honest scared me don't get me wrong i love wolfs but these were not any normal wolf they were double the size of an average wolf. There in front of me was a pack of abnormal wolf's it looked like they were listening to the main wolf at the front which was jet black and the largest out of all of them. The jet black wolf was showing it's teeth and snapping at the wolf's in front of him when it snapped it's head towards me as if it knew i was looking at it.

The other wolf's snapped there heads towards me snarling slowly getting closer but the jet black wolf jumped in front of them pushing them back. Why was i still stood here? i still didn't move i was amazed by these creatures. The jet black wolf went behind the tree leaving the other wolf's sat there staring at me after a couple minutes Jake stepped out from behind the tree where the wolf had been, wearing a pair of jeans.

What was Jake doing here? was he that wolf? "Jake? what's going on?" the other wolf's were going behind trees and coming outs as humans, Jake walked towards me "Hope i didn't want you to find out this way" so he was that wolf.

"w-what are y-you?" i stuttered on the edge of tears why was i about to cry? Jake ran his hand through his brown hair  "a werewolf" a what? there is no such thing as a werewolf that only happened in story's. "Prove it" i needed to see him shift into that wolf to believe it "fine" he stepped back a bit, black fur sprouted all over his body and then he had turned into the jet black wolf that went behind the tree.

All that went through my mind was Twilight was real not the story but all the creatures that were in it, the jet black wolf turned back into naked Jake, Jake went behind the tree and seconds later he came back with jeans on. "Now do you believe me?" i nodded slowly still taking it in "are you going to freak out?" i shook my head slowly, i should be freaking out right now why wasn't i freaking out?

"I just have some questions" well not some loads "i though you might, follow me" why was i following everyone today? "Alpha she must be destroyed" a boy said that was in the crowd of people who were wolf's minutes ago "no one will lay a finger on her got it!" Jake snapped at the boy who coward down, so Jake was an Alpha what was an Alpha?

We had finally reached I'm guessing Jake's house which by the way was ten times bigger than Yasmin's, Jake lead me inside and into a huge living room that was bigger than my whole apartment. Jake took a seat on one of the many sofas and gestured me to sit next to him, "so what do you want to ask me?" he was way my calmer than what i was.

"First question is how did you become a werewolf?"

"my family are werewolves so i was born one"

"What is a Alpha?"

"a Alpha is the leader of the pack he is stronger than any member of his pack"

"When were you planning on telling me?"

"i um i don't' know maybe when this argument with my pack died down"

"Hope there are more things to know so no more questions until i have finished" i nodded.

"well first of all you are my mate, mates are stuck together for life no one can separate them unless one them rejects the other which would be extremely painful for both mates and usually it's just two werewolves but this time it's unusual since you are human and i am a werewolf" so confusing that was what that guy was going on about at the beach.

"What did that guy at the beach mean when he said 'you havn't marked her yet'" I am still not sure why i am not freaking out maybe it's a delay. "that's the next stage when i mark you everyone will know that you are taken and that you are mine" i laughed at the last part "you do know that sounded really creepy" Jake shook his head and laughed.

"How did you end up in the middle of the woods anyway?" oh no i left Taylor back in the woods "Taylor told me i had to know about this and brought me there, i need to go and get her" i was about to get up before Jake talked "don't worry i will get one of my pack members to take her home" i nodded at least she would be safe "Taylor used to be good friends but we fell out and i never talked to her again" Taylor never mentioned her and Jake being good friends once.

"Taylor is a werewolf as well" i'm finding more about Taylor from Jake than i am from her "do you want a drink you look quite pale" i nodded, here it goes i'm going to freak out, Jake got up from his seat and out of the living room.

I have a mate we are bonded together forever nothing can separate us Jake's a werewolf and a Alpha, Taylor is a werewolf and used to be good friends with Jake. I kept repeating this information inside my head until eventually Jake came back with a glass of water, once he put the glass in my hand i gulped it down "wow i have never seen someone down a glass of water that quick" that means the freaking out is kicking in. 

I put the glass on the coffee in front of me "come on i will give you a lift back to your apartment" i stood and walked up to the front door when suddenly everything around me became black and i fell  to the ground, the last thing i felt was someone wrapping their large arms around me and lifting me up.

Thanks for reading

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