Chapter 1

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Hope's P.O.V

I ran as fast as I could to jump onto the moving bus, a young tall man with dark hair stuck his hand out "grab on" he yelled I grabbed hold of his firm hand letting him pull me up. "thanks" I said while panting "you looked like you were in a hurry" I finished panting "yeah that's because I was".

I had been running from my home where my father was abusing me, he was out drinking again and I couldn't take it anymore he has been abusing me since I was 8 and I am now 18 and on the run.

"I'm Jake" he said putting his hand out I took his hand "Hope" a grin grew on his face "Hope. so where are you planning on going I mean it looks like your running away to me" wow he was good "I guess you could say that". The bus came to a stop "well I guess I will see you around" he said then he jumped out "Bye".

I got off at the next stop, not that far from the last stop where I met Jake. There was a hotel by the bus stop with a few other shops on either side. I walked inside of the hotel and asked for a room, I had brought money with me that I found in my dads room and a back pack full of clothes. My room was right at the top of the building, as soon as I got in the room I collapsed on the bed asleep.


"Pleasestop!" he came at me closer and closer with a kitchen knife in his hand "why should I you ruined my life!" he yelled at me. My dad kept coming and coming "how did I ruin your life?" "your mother left me because she couldn't handle you and we had a argument because I didn't want to look after you" I backed up against the wall "it wasn't my fault I was only 8" I started to cry, he pulled back his arm and stabbed me in the arm.

I screamed and woke up sweating, I've been having the same nightmare ever since he done that to me. The scar was still there, i got up and got ready. when I was done I went downstairs an out of the lobby then next door to the pub to ask for a job. An middle Age women was stood behind the bar "um excuse me I was wondering if you had any jobs here?" she stopped what she was doing "yeah I do, you can start as a waitress tomorrow after school everyday part from Saturdays and Sundays". I nodded and walked out the pub door, the bus that I needed to get just pulled up. I got on the bus and payed I sat at the back next to someone who's head was turned to the window "hey Hope" it was Jake "oh hey Jake" he done that wonderful smile that he done before "where are you heading?" "to the school to enrol you?" "same I will show you around If you want" I smiled "sure".

The bus came to a stop me and Jake got off of the bus and went straight inside the building, it was large compare to my old school there were lockers on each side and doors that led

to different classrooms. we finally came to a stop at the reception where an old lady sat behind the desk "hello can I enrol here" she looked up "you have to have your parents with you" "I'm my own legal guardian" "ok then hang on for a second" she grabbed paper from behind her and put down all of my details. "Here is you schedule" she passed it over to me. First I had maths then English I looked up at Jake who was looking at my schedule over my shoulder "can you show me around?" he nodded.

By the time we were finished we had missed first class "I have bio now but I will take you too your English class first "ok thanks". The day went quick at lunch and break I just spent my time looking around the school again Jake did ask if I wanted to come with him at lunch break but I had said no.

I got the bus back to the hotel and went up to my room and had a quick shower before I went to bed.

That was my very first chapter I know it was short.

Jake-Theo James

A picture of hope on the side ------>

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