Chapter 25

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"Hope, are you listening to me?" Yasmin asked. She was going on about her date with Greyson and how amazing it was. So cringy.

"Not really" i said yawning and stretching my arms. Lucky enough for me I had work today, so I don't have to listen to Yasmin go on about Greyson.

"I have to go to work Yasmin. I'll see you later" I said grabbing my bag from the kitchen counter.

"Not so fast, Jake told Taylor and I to go with you after what happened last time" I hadn't been back to work since that guy jumped out on me. Now thanks to Jake I have to put up with Yasmin and Taylor talking about the date.

"Ugh, you're driving" Yasmin went up stairs to get Taylor while I got into the car. After a few minutes, Taylor and Yasmin got in the car.

"How long do you work for?" Taylor asked from the back of the car.

"I usually finish around eight, but don't worry I usually have a break around twelve".

"Ugh, it's only nine am. I'm usually in bed until twelve" Taylor moaned.

"It's called work, Taylor. You should try time" I laughed.

"Do you still have piano lessons?" Yasmin asked. Even though I had decided to not become a piano teacher, I still kept it as a hobbie.

"Yeah, every Saturday. Why?"

"Just wondering. I haven't heard you play in a while" Yasmin parked outside of the studio.

"I might play when we get back home" All three of us got out of the car and went into the studio.

Not long after I had opened up, a family of five came in to have their photograph taken. Taylor sat on a chair reading a magazine and Yasmin was sat next to her painting her nails.

Looks like I'm not getting any help from them. I took a few photo's of the family before they picked one they liked.

"Have a nice day" I smiled at the family before they left. "Thanks for your help guys" I said sarcastically.

"Hey, we are here to babysit you. Not to work" Taylor pointed out.

"News flash, I'm not a baby" just because they're werewolves and I'm human, doesn't give them the right to treat me like a baby.

"News Flash, there are werewolves after you. You can't protect yourself" Yasmin said blowing on her nails.

"I have pepper spray".

"Like that is going to stop them" Taylor laughed.

"Can't we just attack them or something. I'm tired of having people following me because I need protection".

"I wish it was that simple, Hope. But we don't know where they are, we don't know how many of them there are".

"So that's it? We're just going to wait for them to attack us instead?" Why did I have to be sucked into the supernatural world?

"I'm sure Jake has a plan" Taylor said as she continued to read her magazine.

"So you want to finish work early and go to the water park?" Yasmin asked, changing the topic.

"Ok, but I'm not finishing until one" Taylor and Yasmin both nodded and started talking about which bikini they should wear.


A few hours later and we are making our way to the water park along with Jake, Brandon, Ollie, Max, Greyson and Alex.

"I think we should leave the biggest rides to last" Max said.

"I don't think so, the biggest rides always come first" Taylor said glaring at Max.

"No, you save the best rides to last" why was I stuck in the car with these two? Since there is so many of us, Jake, Taylor, Max, Alex and I went in one car and the others went in Yasmin's one.

"How about we decide when we get there? You two are starting to sound like annoying little kids" I said.

"He started it" Taylor sulked. Jake finally pulled into the car park. Taylor and I hopped out of the car in our bikini's, I of course had covered most of my scars up with waterproof make up.

Jake took my hand in his, "stay with me" I nodded, even though it had been ages since the whole ball thing, Jake still looked everywhere to make sure there was no danger.

All of us entered the huge water park. "Hope, come with me on that ride?" Brandon asked, pointing at one of the rides.

"Jake, do you mind if I go on that ride with your brother?"

"As long as you don't leave her, Brandon" I let go of Jake's hand and followed Brandon to the ride.

"Have you ever been to a water park?" Brandon asked while we climbed the stairs.

"Yeah, when I was seven" just before my dad went crazy.

"Wow that's way too long to go without water rides" Brandon and I got into the dinghy, him in back and me in front. Just as the dinghy was about to go, I looked to my right to see Tom and some girl with black shiny hair, smiling and waving.

I felt my heart race faster and faster. "Hope, are you okay?" Brandon asked, just as we went down the water slide. As soon as it was over I rushed out of the dinghy. "Hope, what's the matter?"

"I saw Tom" as soon as I saw Jake, I rushed up to him wrapping my arms around him.

"Woah, what happened? The ride couldn't have been that scary" Jake wrapped his arms around me.

"No, I saw Tom".

"You what!? Where?" Had Tom and his friend been following us?

"On the water slide, he was in the dinghy next me" I pulled out of Jake's arms, looking around I couldn't see Tom or his friend.

"I think we should get out of here" nodding my head In agreement, I noticed only Brandon and Alex were here

"What about the others?"

"I'll text them to let them know we are heading back" Jake, Alex, Brandon and I headed back to the car.

"I can't believe they found us again" Alex muttered. I got into the passenger seat while Jake got into the drivers seat and Brandon and Alex got in the back.

"Neither can I" Jake said, pulling out of the car park.
As we were half way of a bridge a black car came speeding in our direction.

"Jake!" I screamed. Jake swerved, going off the bridge and straight into the water. The car was filling up with water so fast it was already just underneath my chin.

Soon enough the whole car was filled with water. I struggled to undo my seat belt, it seemed to be stuck. Looking over at Jake, I noticed he had just got his seat belt off.

I didn't know how much longer I had left, I was finding it hard to hold my breath any longer. Jake rushed over to me and tried to undo my seat belt but it wasn't budging.

I looked behind at Brandon and Alex, Alex was just swimming out of the car while Brandon had been knocked out. I pointed at Brandon to Jake. He debated for a few seconds, but then went to help his brother. I would rather he helped his brother than me, Brandon is only sixteen.

Jake had managed to get Brandon out of his seat and was now heading up to the surface. My vision was starting to blur, I couldn't hold on any more. At least Brandon and Jake would be safe now. Closing my eyes, I gave up.

Thanks for reading.

I'm so happy, I got an A* in my English exam!!

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