Chapter 12

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Jake's P.O.V

What was i going to do? Now everyone knows about me and Hope she will be hunted down, i don't know who had told the rest of my pack about Hope and i being mates the last time i checked i had only told the gang.

"Alex I need to know who has done this, someone in our gang has told the whole of our pack" I was currently sat at my desk with Alex in front of me.

"Are you sure it was only our group that you told" I nodded, even my family know and they were not pleased when they found out, i just hope it hasn't spread to any other packs. "Ok i will try and get some clues on to who told everyone" Alex was the only person I could trust after all he was my beta.

Soon after Alex left i drove to school to pick Hope up for a surprise date i had arranged, she still had no clue about the situation with everyone finding out about us. I got out of my car and leaned against as i watched Hope come out of the school and her eyes met mine her smile brightened.

When she reached me she asked "Why weren't you at school today?" i shrugged "i had pack stuff to do" i opened up the passenger door "get in i have somewhere to take you" she nodded and jumped into the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" she asked looking at me as i drove down the rode, "I can't it's a surprise" she groaned folding her arms over her chest "I hate surprises" i rolled my eyes "you sound like a three year old".

Once we arrived i got out and opened the passenger door for Hope to get out. I held her hand and pulled her into the woods until i final reached the spot I wanted to take her. There was a huge beautiful water full leading down into a pool shape around it were tall trees.

I heard a gasp behind me "whoa this place is beautiful" i grinned to myself "I'm glad you like it" she came up beside me "Why are we here?".

"I thought it would be nice to take you here" she nodded, "can you change into your wolf?" i smiled, my wolf purred "OK" i went behind a tree and took off my clothes not long after i had shifted into my black tall wolf and came back to face Hope.

Hope came up to me and ran her fingers through my fur "your beautiful" she continued to stroke my fur. "You can get changed now" i went back behind the tree and got changed.

"Do you want to go into the water full?" she nodded heading towards the pool shape of water, "what about my clothes?" she asked, "just go in with them on i have some spare clothes back in the car" i took off my shirt and threw it to the ground.

Taking Hope's hand i jumped in with her going in deep, once we came back up we swam over to where the water was falling into the pool shape. "Why did you want to see my wolf" i asked her still curious.

"Because i love wolf's" she grinned, "are you coming to school tomorrow?" i hadn't really been thinking about coming back to school this week at all "i don't know i have a lot of pack stuff to do yet" all i got was a pout and the puppy eyes in return.

"Hope i can't" she started whining pouting even more.

"Please we have P.E tomorrow" I didn't want to leave her on her own in P.E since Bethany was in there and someone could be watching her "Ok but i can't on Wednesday ok?" she nodded turning her pout into a smile."We should probably get out and take you home" we both swam to the side jumping out. 

Once we had made it to the car i wrapped a towel around her small frame, i past her some clothes that were Yasmin's and let her get changed in the back of the truck. "I'm done" she shouted from the back of the truck and climbed over the passenger seat and sat down in it.

I got in the drivers seat and drove down the road towards her apartment.

Just before she shut the passenger door she spoke "thanks i enjoyed myself" she smiled again before shutting the door and going into the entrance of the hotel.

thanks for reading 

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