Chapter 14

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I was sat in Jake's living room along with Taylor and the rest of the gang, well  apart from Chantelle the killer of course.All of us had come here because Jake wanted to talk to us about my 'situation', even though i didn't have a clue what it was about. "As you all know me and Hope are mates" all of us nodded as Jake continued, "well, in the werewolf community it is not accepted for a human and a werewolf to be mates which is why i wanted to keep it a secret for so long, now that Chantelle has let the secret out, it is spreading like wild fire. Now, I'm not sure if there will be a pack wanting to start a fight, so i have decided that someone needs to be with Hope while she is at school".

Well that sounded fun, Yasmin raised her hand "I'll do it!" she jumped in her seat excited, what if i didn't want someone following me around all day?

"We need someone else as well because of lessons" that's when Alex raised his hand,

"I'll do it besides i am in most of her classes".

So basically i have dogs following me all day, no offense to them "I don't think it will be long before they attack, Hoppe have you had anyone come up to you?" I shook my head, I don't think people will attack just because Jake and I are mate.

I wasn't going to tell them about the notes because this whole thing was stupid, I'm just going to go along with there plan until they finally see that no one is a threat to us. "Jake do you mind if I take Hope out to the spa for a little girlys day out?" Jake nodded before getting up and going into his office.

Did she really have to ask for Jake's permission to take me out some where? I felt like I was a prisoner in my own world.


After the spa me and Yasmin decided to go to the beach and get a ice cream, "Hope, how are you feeling about this whole situation?" Yasmin asked, "stupid" I continued to eat my Mr.magic ice cream, I hadn't had a Mr.magic ice cream since i was little.

"Why?" she asked while licking her lemonade ice lolly,

"It just seems stupid, I mean why would anyone attack for that reason?"

"It may seem stupid but this has popped up more than once in the past"


"About 50 years ago, a girl named Rose found out she was mates with a guy named George who was a Alpha like Jake, she also like you was clueless of the werewolf world. Everyone found out sooner than expected, of course the werewolf's were disgusted and another pack had planned to attack Georges pack but first they took his mate Rose and killed her by tearing out her throat and leaving her body in the middle of the forest".

"George, was so horrified that he took his own life to be with Rose once again" aw it was like one of those sad stories you saw in a movie, maybe I should be more careful than what I am at the moment.

"That's such a sad story" werewolf's could be really mean, why take a Innocent life over that reason?

"Well that wasn't the only one, but the weird thing is it's the same pack that attacked each one of these couples and I am afraid it's the same pack that is after you"she paused for a moment licking her ice lolly, "the pack has only gotten stronger over the years".

I sighed, "I escaped a horrible life, just to waltz back into one, at least my dad isn't here" right at that moment i spotted someone with black hair and bits of grey in it also known as my dad.

I yanked Yasmin's arm, pulling her behind a bin "that's my dad over there" I pointed in his direction, how the hell did he find me here? I started panicking as he came over to the bin to throw something away, and that's when he spotted me.

I heard Yasmin gasp beside me as we started to edge off backwards, "Hope?" his voice sounded friendly and welcoming, Yasmin and I  both stood up at the same time "where have you been i missed you so much" I shook my head this couldn't be happening.

"Stay away from me" my hands started too shake, I refused to go back with him and be abused again. Yasmin  pushed me behind her slightly, "Hope what's the matter, you know I love you, why did you run away?"  he started coming closer with a concern look on his face, did he really think I was that stupid?

Yasmin grabbed my hand and started running, I looked behind to see him running after us "I can't believe your dad found you" neither could I.

Eventually we made it back to Yasmin's car, "we need to get back to Jake" I nodded as she pulled away.

"Jake!" Yasmin yelled as we came crashing through the front door, after a while Jake heard Yasmin's cries and came out of his office "What happened?" he asked looking worried.

"We saw my dad on the beach and he saw us" I plopped myself onto the sofa, "how did he find you?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't understand how he found you here" he paused for a minute to think, "unless someone told him where you were".

"Chantelle!" Yasmin blurted, even though all of us were thinking it.

"I just don't get why she would do something like this" I said, maybe she was one of the ones that hate humans and werewolf's being together.

"Where is Chantelle?" Yasmin asked, no one had see her since the fire, which was now a week ago, we weren't allowed to go to school since the room got burned down. Tomorrow we will be returning again but this time with more gossip and stares.

"I havn't seen her" Jake said.

thanks for reading

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