Chapter 23

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Now that it has been three months, summer is finally here! I've missed the warm sun against my skin and sitting by the pool. Of course Yasmin had dragged to the shopping centre and we are currently buying swimming suits.

"Yasmin, i really don't want to buy one. Remember, i have scars" I can't help but feel inscure with all these scars. A bikini would not help with it.

"Come on, you have a loverly figure. Besides what is apart of you is just as beautiful." Yasmin scanned through the rack of bikinies. "hmmm, this one will suite you" she held up a bikini that was white with red pocka dots.

"I will only agree to it, if I can wear something on top" I ran my finger tips of the bracelet that is covering up a scar on my wrist.

"Fine, but you can't hide in a blanket of clothes for the rest of your life" Yasmin picked up another bikini and paid for them at the counter.

Yasmin and I walked out of the store, "i think we should meet up with the boys" Yasmin sighed nodding her head.

Yasmin and I made our way to the cafe where Jake, Ollie, Alex and Max sit. "You can finally show off that beautiful tattoo" Yasmin smiled as she sat next to Ollie and I sat in between Jake and Max.

"You two, took forever" Max said, shoving a biscuit into his mouth.

"Blame Yasmin, she insisted on buying loads of swim suits" I looked over to Yasmin who is going through her shopping bags.

"Sure, Hope. I bet you were complaining because you wanted a cute swim suit for Jake" my cheeks flared red as I punched him as hard as I could in the arm.

"Was that your best?" He mocked pretending to punch me in the arm. "You need to work on your fighting skills".

"Na, I'm good. That involves exercise" me and exercise do not go together.

"I never knew you could be so lazy".

"I guess you don't really know me" Max smirked and continued to drink his coffee.

"I think we should be going" I looked up at Jake who was getting out of his chair, his jaw tightened. I looked in the direction where Jake was looking, only to see Tom leaning against a wall with his arms across his chest smirking.

Everyone else looked in the same direction and stood up from their chairs. I stood up from my chair, grabbing Jake's hand. Quickly I dragged him out of the cafe before he done something stupid.

As we got further and further away from the cafe, Tom slowly faded away. We came to a stop by Jake's car. "I can't believe he had the guts to come into that cafe" Jake smashed his fist into his car leaving a dent.

"Jake, calm down" I grabbed his fist before he could make another dent. I brang his fist down to his side, sliding my fingers into the gap of his.

"I'm sorry, he just...irritates me. I know he is planning something" Jake ran a hand through his hair in deep thought.

"Can we go now, please" staying here makes me even more nervous. Tom knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted us to know that he hasn't forgotten us.

Jake sighed and got into the drivers seat as I got into the passenger seat. "Let's just go to the beach, the others are behind" I looked back to see Max driving and the others sat in the car, either on their phone or talking.


The soft golden sand felt nice and soft underneath my feet. There was no breeze, just the warm sun against my pale skin. Leaning my head back, I closed my eyes taking in the warmth of the sun.

"Hope, put your bikni on" Yasmin disturbed my quiet relaxation. I groaned opening my eyes, Yasmin stood in front of me holding up the red poka dot bikni and a sun dress.

"Where?" There was no beach huts on this beach and there is no way I am stripping on this beach in front of hundreds of people.

"In the car, duh. Plus you can't wear a long sleeve top and jeans on a beach" Yasmin took my hand, pulling me in the direction of the car.

Yasmin opened the back car door, shoving me in with the clothes. I waited until Yasmin had her back against the window to change.

After ten minutes I had finally managed to put on my clothes, who knew getting changed in a car would be so hard. The sun dress came down to my knees but had thin straps, showing all the scars on my arms.

I stepped out of the car hugging my arms. "See, Hope you look beautiful" I shook my head, there is nothing beautiful about scars.

"My scars are awful" I felt like everyone's eyes are on my scars, my ugly scars. I walked next to Yasmin, back to the beach.

"Your scars are beautiful. Like I said what is apart of you is just as beautiful" I was always envious of the way Yasmin walks around so confidentiality, especially with just a bikini on.

Yasmin and I sat down on the warm sand, I ran my hand through the sand picking it up and dropping it again.

"Greyson is here!" Yasmin squealed jumping up and running to Greyson. I looked over towards Greyson, Greyson has dark skin, blue eyes and black short hair with a six pack. Definitely Yasmin's type.

I smiles to myself, I'm glad Yasmin is happy. I felt someone plop down beside me, I looked next to me to see Jake in his swimming trunks and sun glasses on.

"Hey, beautiful" I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks, I looked down at the sand hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Scars aren't beautiful" I hugged my legs to my chest. Scars aren't beautiful. They are far from beautiful.

"Who you are and what you are is beautiful. I don't care who put those scars there, well I do, but anyway your scars define you so they must beautiful too". I bit down on my lip and smiled.

"Now come on, let's go into the beautiful water that is waiting for us" Jake took my hand, pulling me up onto my feet.

Once the water had reached my waist we stopped and stood there in each others arms, looking at the sun set. "I love you, Hope" I smiled to myself.

"I love you Jake".

Sorry I took so long to update.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, hopefully I will be able to update quicker.
BTW  thanks for the 2k reads, I'm so happy.

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