Chapter 13

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Hope's P.O.V

"Hurry up we are going to be late" Taylor yelled from the living room, she is one of those people who have to be on time, all the time.

"I'm coming!" i shouted back, grabbing my shoulder leather bag i walked out of my room and into the living room, where Taylor stood tapping her shoe against the wooden floor. "We have five minutes yet, take a chill pill.

"Come on then" I followed Taylor out of the apartment and down to the bus stop where the bus had just arrived. I got onto the bus and sat next to Jake as usual, while Taylor sat on the other side of me.

"So you have decided to come to school today" i said, Jake nodded in response "I've been busy".

"What with?"

"I'll tell you later" .

Once we arrived at school all three of us went our separate ways, I headed towards my first class which was chemistry unfortunately. 

I sat next to Chantelle at the back who always talked about boys or fashion, don't get me wrong shes nice and all but she won't shut up about it for five seconds.

"Good morning class" our teacher welcomed us, "today i would like you to work with your lab partner on a Bunsen burner project set out for you".

Chantelle got up from her seat and collected all of the equipment from the supply cupboard, while i sat there waiting for her to come back. "Ok i have everything we need" i nodded as she set it all up as usual. Once the Bunsen burner was on Chantelle put the beaker on top of the mat that was on a tripod.

"Hope you go and get the sugar" i nodded and went to sirs desk to retrieve the little pot of sugar. When i had got back to our desk Chantelle, snatch the sugar out of my hand poring it into the beaker. Chantelle whipped her hand back, knocking the Bunsen burner on the floor by my feet setting the carpet alight. Students shirked as the flame grew bigger.

I jumped back in surprise, did Chantelle do that on purpose? "Everyone please go outside and line up immediately" the teacher shouted over the screams, by then the flame had gone deeper into the classroom close to the door. I went to run to the door but someone had wrapped their hand around my ankle, i looked down to see a very scared looking Chantelle "don't leave me".

"I won't but can you let go of my ankle" she refused by squeezing my ankle tighter, "Chantelle we won't make it!" was she stupid? For a split second i thought I saw a evil smile come across her face but soon vanished. Her hand let go of ankle and she put her hand out for me to grab, i took her hand yanking her up off of her feet. 

Chantelle ran ahead of me towards the door that was nearly being covered by fire. Once Chantelle was out of the door she turned around "bye bye" she said before slamming the door close. No, she couldn't just leave me here to die, i ran up to the door and pounded my fist against it  "let me out" i screamed from the top of my lungs.

Looking around the classroom, i spotted some windows but they were covered in black smoke. The heat by now was getting unbearable, my cry's no longer mattered no one could hear me. Just as I sat down in the middle of the room a beam above me on the second floor came down covering the only exit which was the door.

I continuously coughed, I didn't want to die this way not alone.

Suddenly banging came at the door, "Is anyone in there!" it sounded like alex's voice, "Alex!" i tried to say but it come out as a squeak. The banging kept going until it finally broke in, there stood Alex and Max, of course no human would have been able to do that.

"Hope!" Alex came running with Max right behind him, "can you run?" he asked, i shook my head my legs felt like they were going to give way any minute. Alex scooped me up in his arms and ran out of the classroom "don't worry Hope Max and I will get you out on time". 

When Alex and Max got me outside, students and teachers surrounded us.

"Oh my gosh it's Hope"

"What happened in there?"

"Will she be alright?"

"I wonder if we will have to go back to school tomorrow?"

That was all i could hear in the now growing crowd, "move out of my way" Jake's voice merged into the crowd, i saw him pushing his way through until he got to me. "Hope, what the hell happened?" i was currently in Alex's arms still which did not seem to please Jake at all, Alex passed me to over to Jake.

"You can answer my question when we get you to the hospital" Jake carried me to his truck and safely placed me down in the passenger seat. From then on wards everything was a blur.


Slowly, my eyelids fluttered open allowing the bright light above me to come in, I looked around at my surroundings to see that i was in a hospital room with Jake sat beside the bed with his head in his hands. "Jake" he raised his head up, i noticed the purple bags under his eyes.

"Hope, your awake" I sat better, my hands were covered in bandages where the fire had burnt my hands. "How long have i been here?" i asked.

"A day" that wasn't as long as i expected considering the bags underneath his eyes, I was still shocked Chantelle would do this. Maybe its because i'm human? i don't know.

"Do you mind if i ask you what happened?" i shook my head.

"Well Chantelle was working with me in chemistry and we had a Bunsen burner project and Chantelle knocked the Bunsen burner onto the floor setting the carpet alight" I paused for a second "after that the fire spreaded quickly, i went to run out of the door but Chantelle wrapped her hand around my ankle".

"I helped her up but she ran ahead of  me, and when she got out  of the classroom she shut the door so i couldn't get out" i finished telling my story taking a deep breath in.

 "I never thought it would be Chantelle" it seemed that he was talking to himself than me, "What are you talking "about Jake?" after whispering to himself, he looked up once more "get some rest i will tell you later".

thanks for reading.

i know i havn't updated in ages but tomorrow is my last day and then six weeks off, which means more wattpad time.

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