Chapter 20

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Two months. Its been two months since i last saw Jake. Two months. Of course he missed graduation so i was up there on my own. Before he left for pack business he watched all of the Twilight films with me. To my surprise he actually enjoyed them but he did take the mick when Edward started to sparkle.

The truth is, i miss him. Each day that goes past i wait for him to come through that door but nothing. He calls me when he gets the chance but it never lasts that long. He told me he will probably be back in about five months. Five months! That's way too long, Jake agrees but he says he has to do his pack business.

I've already started to set up my own photography business, which is based on taking family photographs, Jake sent me the money and told me to go ahead with my life. I've already had a few costumers come to my studio, its only been open for a month. I hope that one day it will be someone else taking a picture of Jake and i with our own family.

I was taking some pictures of a two year old when my phone started to buzz, i looked at the screen to see Jake's number, i quickly answered the phone.


"Hey Hope"

"I miss you"

"I miss you too"

"Can't you come home sooner?"

"I wish i could but i can't, i'm sorry"

"But Jake it's my birthday in a few days, can't you come back for my birthday"

"I really wish i could but i have to stay here" 

"What is so important with this pack business? Are you cheating?" i felt slightly paranoid.

"No i would never cheat on you Hope. And if you must know i'm trying to catch a few of Tom's pack members, they are plotting on killing you" i gulped feeling bad for accusing Jake of cheating.

"Sorry i didn't know"

"Its okay i understand why you thought like that"

"I just want you back home"

"I know you do, i wish i could be there for your birthday, but i sadly can't"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I'm yours

"And i'm yours"

"Bye, love you"

"Bye, love you too" with that his voice was gone, i put my phone back into my pocket feeling empty. I picked my camera back  up and continued to take pictures of the two year old that was sat in a chair with a white wall behind her.


I locked up the studio and walked down the street in the dark, even though Tom's party was three months ago i still felt scared when i was on my own. No one since then has attempted anything, that's what made me even more frightened though, the longer it gets i feel like the closer they are to attacking.

I walked past the dark alley way when someone grabbed me from behind covering their hand over my mouth. My heart started thumping harder as the person who had grabbed me placed a knife to my neck, "I finally caught you alone" the male voice whispered, the knife was pushed against my neck harder causing blood to be released.

The guy didn't have time to kill me because someone had pushed him off of me, i tumbled to the ground gasping for air. I looked up to see Max fighting this mysterious guy, Max finally knocked the guy out and came to my side. 

"Oh my, i'm sorry i couldn't get to you sooner" i still couldn't speak i was in shock, i knew this was going to happen but it was so soon. I touched the cut on my neck and winced in pain, Max picked me up in his arms, rushing towards his car. He placed me in the passenger seat and then ripped a bit of his shirt off telling me to place it onto my neck, which i did causing me to yelp.

"I know  it hurts but just hold it down it will stop the bleeding" Max got into the drivers seat and began speeding towards Jake's house. When we made it there Max carried me in his arms to the house, i still had the bit of cloth pressed against my neck. 

Max placed me onto the sofa, "I'm going to ring the pack doctor and Jake" i nodded my head as he pulled out his phone, maybe Jake would come back now that this has happened. After a few minutes Max was off the phone, "Jake is on his way he will be here in about two hours and the pack doctor is almost hear" i sighed with relief, i can't wait to see Jake.


The pack doctor had wrapped a bandage around my neck so the bleeding would stop. Jake had phoned and said he will be here in five minutes. I'm still on the sofa since i feel faint when i try to get, the doctor said that was due to the amount of blood loss. 

After five minutes Jake came running into the lounge, "I'm so sorry Hope" he knelt down in front of the sofa.

"It wasn't your fault" i winced it hurt to talk, Jake's eyes had turned pitch black, i knew that meant his wolf had taken control, Taylor told me everything when Jake left. "Plus Max was there to save me" i needed to thank Max's later on.

"I shouldn't of left you. I promise i will be here to protect you from now on" he kissed me gently on the lips before picking me up in a bridal style, i buried my head into his chest listening to his heart beat. Jake carried me up to my room placing me on my bed. Taylor, Yasmin, Ollie and Alex weren't here because they were working at there jobs they got.

When Jake left i started to hang out with Brandon more often, i am yet to meet the rest of his family who have not been at this house because they had stuff to sort out in the pack house. 

"Does your neck hurt?" i sat up straight on the bed as Jake sat on the edge, since i found it hard to speak i nodded my head. I knew the cut on my neck would lead to having a scar but i wasn't bothered, i have loads on my body anyway. "I'm sorry, i didn't want you to get hurt. Um Hope when you are feeling better i need to ask you about your life with your dad" i took in a deep breath, my dad is not a subject i like to talk about.

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