Chapter 22

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"Hope!" Yasmin's scream of joy echoed throughout the house, i waited for her to come tumbling into the living room. When she did, she pounced like a cat onto the sofa next to me. "I have great news!" her smile is so wide i am starting to wonder if she will ever stop smiling. "Do you remember when i was crying at school about some boy i liked?" i nodded, she had grabbed me after art class cried about how some boy she liked, liked another girl.

"Well, at the the time i couldn't tell you that he is my mate, and that's why i was so upset" she says "anyway, i bumped into him at a party the other night and he wants to hang out!" she squealed like an eleven year old going to a one direction concert. 

"Um, that's great" when it came to little girly relationships like this i am never usually interested. Besides the only boyfriend i have had is Jake and it always will be Jake. Yasmin stopped smiling when she realized i wasn't interested. I felt slightly bad for not being interested, but this wasn't what i liked to talk about.

"I'm sorry for telling you all this when you are having problems with Jake" Jake and i haven't talked in four days. I know he is still angry with me, so i haven't bothered talking to him. "I'm going to go out and get a tattoo, wanna come?" I nod, i need to get out of this house.


I watched as the large tattoo guy (who by the way has many tattoos) scrapes on the skin of Yasmin's shoulder. The tattoo Yasmin is getting is three butterfly's, it starts with the largest one and gets smaller as it goes down the arm. Yasmin pulls different faces as the guy starts putting the black ink in.

"All done" the guy says as he cleans over the new tattoo. The tattoo isn't large like other tattoos, so it doesn't look hideous on her. Getting a tattoo done looked painful. The needle scraping at her skin. Putting the ink in. Ouch.

"What do you think?"

"It's really pretty" i wasn't lying, the tattoo is pretty. Yasmin gets up from the chair and grabs her bag, avoiding her right shoulder.

"Maybe you should get one" i raised my eyebrows, no way. They look way too painful. I shudder at the thought of the needle scratching my skin. Even if i did get one, it would be very small.

"Nope" I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. Yasmin turned away from me and started flicking through the tattoo book. She stopped on a certain page and grinned to herself.

"This one!" Yasmin grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me towards the large book full of tattoo ideas. Yasmin's finger landed on a tattoo of a tree with no leaves on it and a bird flying away from the tree. The words next to the tattoo made me realize why Yasmin had chosen the tattoo. "The day i escaped", the words read.

"Yasmin, it has a nice message but that is going to be painful" the tattoo wasn't huge, but it wasn't too small either. The tattoo is placed on the girls upper back, on the left side.

"Come on! It doesn't even hurt!" I sighed and nodded. I'm going to regret trusting Yasmin.


 An hour later my tattoo is finished and slightly painful. Looking in the mirror behind me, the tattoo looks beautiful and not as bad as i thought it would turn out. I made sure the ink was just black and nothing else. 

"See, i told you it wouldn't hurt" Yasmin said, paying the tattoo artist. I pulled my shirt over my head and paid the tattoo artist. What will Jake think of it? Will he think it is hideous?

Yasmin and i made our way back to the car. The tattoo shop wasn't that big, so there aren't many parking spaces available. I sat in the passenger seat as Yasmin sat in the drivers seat and started up the engine.

"I can't wait to show everybody!" Yasmin squealed as we made our way down the long narrow road.

"You know that 'mate' of yours you were talking about, what is his name?" i didn't know what else to talk to Yasmin about. Even if it doesn't irritate me having talks like this. I'm going to do it anyway.

"His name is Greyson" i watched her as she bit her lip, smiling like a fool. A blush made its way to her perfect cheeks. "I can't wait to see him again. I don't even think he knows about werewolves" her smile faded.

"That doesn't matter. look at me and Jake" it hadn't taken me long to get use to the idea of werewolves existing. I still think i should of freaked out a bit more than what i did. But maybe its because i have always loved animals. I find them so mysterious, more mysterious than humans.

"Yeah but he's a boy" she says "And boys are just easily freaked out with stuff like this" Yasmin let out a frustrated groan.

Yasmin parked the car in Jake's drive way and hopped out of the car. Yasmin tends to spend most of her time here, rather than being at her own home. Apparently her family is way too boring for her.

I followed Yasmin into Jake's house, shutting the door behind me. Brandon and Taylor seem to be the only ones home. Brandon is sat on the sofa playing on his PS3, while Taylor is too busy on her phone.

"Hey guys" i plopped my self in between Taylor and Brandon, even though there is two more sofas avalible. Brandon barley looked up before going back to his game. Yasmin just continued to do whatever she was doing on her phone.

"By the way Jake, wants you to me him outside in the back yard" i furrowed my eyebrows, why would Jake want to meet me after our argument? I got off the sofa and made my way to the back yard.

Jake leans against the wall of the house, on his phone. Once he spotted me he shoved his phone into his back pocket. "Hope, i need to talk to you" he slowly made his way to me. He's so tall that he towers over me.

"About what?" i crossed my arms over my chest. Why had i even decided to talk to him? He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"Look, i'm sorry about the other day. I didn't mean what i said. I shouldn't have shouted at you" I ran my fingers through my blonde hair. Why  had it taken him so long to tell me he was sorry?

"Why did you shout at me?"

"I don't know. I guess i was just angry at him, not you" he reached inro his back pocket and pulled out a small black box, "This is a sorry gift" he handed me the box. I opened the box to see a small silver necklace with a tiny infinity symbol on it.

Jake took the necklace out of the box and went behind me to do up the necklace. "Is that a tattoo?" i only have a tank top on, so my tattoo must be sticking up at the top.

"Um, yes" He didn't sound too mad, but he hasn't seen the whole thing yet.

"What is it?" i explained to him what it is and when me and Yasmin got it done. To my surprise he wasn't angry, he just nodded his head. "Well when it gets hotter and we can wear swim suits. I want to see this tattoo" i blushed at the thought of being in a swim suit.

"I love you Hope and i am really sorry" he wrapped his arms around my small frame, burring my head into his chest, i took in his sweet scent. "I love you so much".

Thank you for reading, i know it was bad but this was just a filler.

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