*dessert - j.h.

1.4K 10 0


pairing: jay halstead x reader

summary: you and jay have dinner plans late that evening but end up having a night in instead.

word count: 1.4k

warning sexual content.

(this was requested)

"hey daddy, what do you think about this place?" you asked, scrolling through your phone

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"hey daddy, what do you think about this place?" you asked, scrolling through your phone.

jay had been at work for the day, your day off was today and he called you earlier to look for a place to eat dinner. when you were on the phone with him you could hear kevin, adam, and hailey near and they were teasing him.

your relationship with jay was a little unusual, you were about fifteen years younger than him. you liked to use that to tease him a lot as well, just like the intelligence team you had the pleasure of meeting. you were close with kim, hailey, and adam.

he brought you to molly's just about every night with his team, even though you couldn't even drink for another year yet. you were the love of his life and he was yours. soulmates.

twenty minutes earlier jay had walked through the door of the apartment you shared together. a towel was wrapped around his waist still from his shower.

he heard your delicate voice calling him so he walked out of the bedroom and glanced around for you. spotting you instantly, sitting on the couch with your natural beauty.

he admired your beautiful looks and sighed softly, adjusting the towel around his waist before walking over.

jay leaned over the back of the couch and laid his arm around your neck and you looked up, giving him a smile. "what's that sweetheart?" he asked.

you showed him your phone, a new restaurant around the block you had yet to try but heard about from a co-worker. while he looked at the screen, you reached your hand behind you to put your fingers through his hair. he moaned at the feeling, like putty in your small hands.

"i'd rather have dessert first." he smirked. you swallowed slowly and looked back into his eyes, seeing him still watching you. his intense stare was something he picked up from being a detective. you looked down, batting your lashes before glancing back up and he kissed your cheek.

just as quick, he was gone and walking back to the bedroom chuckling to himself. you turned your current position on the couch so you were looking backwards and gasped at the audacity he had. "what's so funny?"

"nothing. nothing at all." he shouted back from the room. you shook your head at his response and put your phone down on the table next to you. putting your hand on the couch arm, you used the extra strength to push yourself up quickly so you could get to the bottom of jay's 'joke'.

you padded down the hallway in your fuzzy socks, blowing a piece of hair away from your face. it was in a messy bun but there was a few crazy strands that didn't know what to do with themselves.

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