*sweetheart - j.h.

1.2K 3 0


pairing: jay halstead x reader

summary: jay is looking into your family while undercover while certain feelings between the two of you are developing.

word count: 4.7k

warning smut, some fluff and minor angst.

(this was requested)

jay knew it was wrong the second he glanced into your eyes and saw that sparkle in your iris's reflect back into his

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jay knew it was wrong the second he glanced into your eyes and saw that sparkle in your iris's reflect back into his.

it was a terrible idea but the intelligence team was running out of ways to go about their approach. your older brother was a notorious, rich, and nasty man who was selling drugs and trafficking women in shipping containers across the world.

you had no idea what was going on. school was your top priority. y/b/n (your brother's name) was the man of the house and paid for your education despite the protests you threw his way.

to be honest, he was your half-brother. your parents both died in a tragic accident when you were young. it was a surprise with how normal and boring you were, and not a psychopath like the rest of your family. but you didn't know about any of it.

your brother kept what happened under lock and key. y/b/n said his mother was on a double date with his step father and your shared biological father with your own mother. they were killed when a truck hit them from behind, crushing them completely into a building.

he said they died immediately and felt no pain. but how did anybody know? especially being as the fact was that they had felt pain. y/b/n lied and you were about to find out what really happened soon.

it was all in a folder perfectly crisp and filed away at the precinct in voight's office. it stated how your shared father died weakly, by the hand of a woman. y/b/n's mother went bat shit crazy while y/b/n's stepfather was driving and reached into the glove box. she shot your shared biological father and then your mother out of jealousy.

the mogue wrote the ballistics report stating that your mother hadn't died by the hand of the gun, but it was the crash that killed her and she felt immense pain that led right up to her death. you were from a broken family and it only carried when your brother took over your father's 'empire'. something you, your mom and y/b/n's stepfather had no idea about.

the destruction leading to your discovery all started when jay bumped into you at the university you were studying at. he was wearing a disguise, something he'd never wear, as it was an undercover job.

it was like a slow-motion movie scene. you glanced up, jay being taller than you by a few inches. he looked down, immediately drawn in with how attractive and beautiful you were. the detective knew he was in for some trouble and maybe even heartbreak with you.

you bit your bottom lip and surveyed his look. his hair had grown out some, slicking it up skillfully with probably only a hairbrush. his jacket was tightly wrapped around him and you could see a faint outline of his abs with the shirt that he wore under it. almost like a second skin pressed to him. woah.

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