*lucky - a.r.

513 2 0


pairing: adam ruzek x reader

summary: you go through a trama incident and adam is your savior that also has a soft spot for you.

word count: 1.3k

warning: victim of assult and also sexual content with adam which is months later after healing.

(this was requested)

the case was a tough one

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the case was a tough one.

a call was made from next door claiming you and your boyfriend were arguing. they feared for your life and you're thankful they placed that call into the system because you thought you were going to die, suffocated around your boyfriend's hands.

ruzek's heart skipped a beat when he saw you laying on the floor.

your boyfriend had gotten a good punch in on your cheek and gut. your throat was red and faint finger prints could be seen. a hand print was splattered across your thigh when he squeezed it rough while trying to get an upper hand.

something about you sparked in adam. he didn't know what to do with himself and punched your boyfriend multiple times before everybody else rolled in.

you had his back when ruzek said it was in self-defense. even though once he went down, ruzek continued to punch him.

you knew it wasn't right to feel such a strong, instant connection but adam saved you. he seemed to be the only good thing in your life right now.

even after the case was a quick shut and close, adam insisted that you stayed with him.

voight was against it at first. claiming it was unhealthy but once your dull eyes looked at his sergeant, he realized that you needed an anchor and that was undoubtedly adam.

it was different. the transitioning of moving into his place. he helped you pack up your belongings and everything you owned was placed in a guest room of his.

you'd wake up in the middle of the night and crawled in adam's bed for comfort. the first time he woke up he startled to see you were sleeping a few inches away from him.

after the second night, he kissed your cheek before he left for work. the third night he stayed awake, waiting for you and steadied his breathing so you didn't know that adam was expecting you.

after a week you knew he caught on and you ended up sleeping in his bed anymore. neither of you had to say anything.

he didn't know how to go about the new thing either. you both took it one day at a time. he questioned and dealt with domestic victims before but never experienced one who was slowly healing themselves back together.

what adam didn't realize was that he was your glue that slowly healed you back together. it wasn't until you told him and he was speechless with the vulnerable honesty.

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