livestreamer - j.h.

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pairing: jay halstead x reader

summary: in which things start to become even more complicated when you're a famous streamer and your relationship with jay is broadcasted while on livestream.

word count: 2.9k

note: sooo i went really overboard with this but for some reason, i loved writing this one so much. part 2 coming eventually. i'm thinking information about their relationship on the news and pd guest stars on the stream.

(this was requested)

you met jay at a coffee shop one late morning

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you met jay at a coffee shop one late morning. the case was rough and he needed a pick-me-up. his close friend and partner, hailey, had opted to stay in the truck.

he was right ahead of you in line. you were itching to say something but didn't know how to. despite the fact you talked to hundreds and thousands of subscribers everyday.

when he recited his drink, you noticed he had ordered the same exact drink that you usually order and you knew this would be a good moment to speak up.

you took a deep breath through your nose and out through your mouth once before moving your lips.

when jay walked in he noticed a woman that walked in a few moments after him. the detectives skills came in handy sometimes and he really wanted to say something but knew he didn't have much time since hailey was waiting in the car.

they were on their way to interview a witness after noticing a few holes in their statement after briefing with the team. jay snuck a couple glances at you and noticed the way your neck and cheeks flushed. he turned back around and smirked, ordering.

after he put in the drink order, he heard the most angelic voice speak up from behind that. "hey, i'll pay for that." then she added, "and double that please.

jay turned now being able to really take in your features and was taken aback. while the two of you walked to the side, a little bit away from the pick-up area he voiced. "thank you, my name is jay and you really didn't have to do that. and you are?" he paused, waiting for your name and smiled.

he held out his hand to greet you like a proper gentleman, which was something he found himself wanting to do without even thinking a second thought about it. "oh i'm y/n. it's nice to meet you jay." you supplied, shaking his hand in return.

you couldn't help stare at his lips. the way his lips turned upwards and you knew you were definitely a goner when you glanced up.

his blue eyes pierced through your soul. your throat went dry, now really taking in the fact of how attractive he was. as well as, how out of your league that you were. or so you thought.

he couldn't stop staring at you and taking in every inch. making sure to make it sound more like a statement than a question, you added with a laugh. "but yeah, i know and i wanted to. anyways, you can make up the cost by giving me your number."

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