broken heart - h.u.

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broken heart

pairing: hailey upton x reader

word count: 0.5k

note: this was from a hailey angst with the prompts - "you're breaking me" and "just pack your shit and go. it's the least you can do after all the pain you've caused me."

since this was a drabble, i didn't post it with a gif.

(this was requested)


“you’re breaking me.” you uttered. if hailey hadn't been standing so close to you, she wouldn't have heard you speak.

she paused and you felt her tense, the arms placed around your waist locked tightly and you let out a nervous breath. 

"what?" she asked from behind you. hailey has been your girlfriend for about a year and a half now.

there hasn't been many arguments or disagreements since you started dating and so it was a surprise to hear you say that to her.

"i've seen you sneaking around the precinct with jay for weeks now. i haven't brought this up till now because i was scared to lose you but i'm certainly not stupid, hails." you muttered and turned around to look into her eyes.

after many years in psychiatry you could tell if she was lying by the size of her pupils. if she continued to keep eye contact, you would know the answer to the question that you wanted from her.

"sneaking around? y/n, he's my partner and friend." her pupils didn't enlargen this time but she fidgeted her balance from the left leg and then to her right one. 

a nervous tic she had and it had you puzzled.

"what is it then? i can tell you're freaking out." hailey swallowed nervously due to your question. she tilted her head downwards and mumbled, "i-i think—"

you put the tip of your index finger under hailey's chin and raised her head again so you could see her eyes. after having a clear view of her face, you asked. "—you think what?"

hailey cleared her throat to speak again, not wanting to have a crack in her voice this time. "i think i might like jay." 

her. pupils. didn't. enlargen.

you pulled her arms off from your waist and just about ran to the bathroom. hailey followed you down the hall but you shut the door in her face. you couldn't see but the grimace in her face was there.

tears streaked down your face and even though you wiped them, it didn't help. you reached over the counter to get a tissue from the box and wiped your eyes continuously.

in shock, hailey continued to lean against the door. she heard a few sniffles come from your nose on the other side of the door and frowned. "i'm sorry y/n. i didn't mean for this to happen."

you tried blinking a couple of times while looking up at the vent on the bathroom's ceiling and questioned, "didn't mean for what to happen? your feelings for jay to evolve? just pack your shit and go. it’s the least you can do after all the pain you’ve caused me."

she flinched at your words and sighed. "okay, i'll leave. i'm not letting you go though, y/n. i will figure this out because you are the love of my life."

once you heard her steps walking away from the bathroom door, you slid down and leaned against it. with crumpled tissues surrounding your body and a broken heart, you whispered. "yeah ok. we'll see."

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