^flame that bottled up - hanktonio x reader

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flame that bottled up

mfm pairing: hank voight x reader x antonio dawson

summary: hank and antonio realize they can't lose you after you're involved in a tough undercover job with kim.

word count: 1.5k

warning sexual content if you squint.

(this was requested)

you were patting your hands dry when you heard the door to the locker room open

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you were patting your hands dry when you heard the door to the locker room open. it was a long night and you didn't look up to see who it was.

you already knew and wasn't looking forward to the conversation that was about to unfold. you just got back from an undercover job with kim.

it wasn't required but there were also slim options left so you took one for the team. well maybe a half since kim was also there.

taking down a suspect like this wasn't an easy job. luckily burgess talked you through it so you knew what exactly to expect.

she was on this kind of undercover job before with a woman named nadia who tragically died. she was friends with erin, who you learned all about from voight.

speaking of voight, he was currently glaring at you through the mirror while you brushed out your hair.

a stern 'voight' face that nobody wanted to be in front of. nonetheless, you stared back at him as if it wasn't scaring you shitless.

"you went against my suggestion."

you scoffed, mumbling "more like demand" under your breath and brushed frustratingly through a knot from a strand of your hair. antonio had yet to speak.

he was looking at your skirt like it was his enemy. you raised your bottom lip slowly, smirking just the slightest at the realization.

voight knew everything all the time so, of course he caught on to the gears turning in your head and sucked in a breath for what was about to happen.

you used your nickname for antonio. nobody else used it, not even any other members of the team who were his closest friends. "tony." you whispered and that was all it took for his eyes to raise and meet yours.

"hermosa." beautiful.

you knew what that particular word meant. like the sucker you are, you felt warm butterflies fluttering around in the bottom of your belly.

this was just like any other time he called you that in a sweet tone. your heart skips a beat and you felt like a second away from cardiac arrest.

though sometimes when he'd speak fluent spanish and even though you hadn't a clue most of the time of what he was saying, you found yourself still mesmerized.

but that's not all. how easily it rolled off from his tongue and how attractive he sounded. you were a goner for this man.

especially when he interrogated a suspect in spanish who claimed they didn't know any english even though the man or woman did.

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