where the sun don't shine - a.r.

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where the sun don't shine

pairing: adam x reader

summary: you and adam don't let the nasty encounter ruin your day when someone has something rude to say.

word count: 0.7k

warning: some racism towards woc reader.

(this was requested)

you and adam have been dating for almost a year now

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you and adam have been dating for almost a year now. you met while he was on an undercover case. you were in a bad situation and he pulled you out of it when he finished the case.

adam couldn't not help you because he had grown fond of you while he was working the case. your late night conversations were always on his mind the next day and when he brought you home that first day after, he realized just what kind of feelings he had for you.

while he was at work, he never failed his daily conversation about you. he talked his best friend, kim's ear off about you. the intelligence team was surprised at first when they noticed how serious he was about you. sure, they felt for him when they found out about you and didn't hesitate to get you out of that bad situation.

even though hank had advised against it, adam brought you home without any further thought. he was smitten with you and he helped you get on your feet with a job. never did he ask for anything except for you to always let him know if you had a problem.

and of course, you talked to him about everything. neither of you shared a secret. it was a healthy kind of relationship. the only issue that there was, was not something either of you could control.

it was the fact that you were a woman of color. people always stared when the two of you were out and about.

when you got home and if you were upset he'd lay down in bed with you. the pillows were usually propped up and your legs intertwined with his while he held you in his arms after a long day. you never shed a tear about those kinds of things but adam noticed if it upset you.

sometimes it got complicated but it was never a nasty encounter until today.

adam was holding your hand while the two of you walked down the sidewalk. there was a bakery down the road from the apartment the two of you shared. you pleaded adam to come with you so you could get coffee and a treat to go and he never refused because he'd always end up with something as well.

you had to cross the street so adam pushed the intersection button and then pulled you back into his arms while the two of you stood and waited. everything was okay until two black men walked over and took in the situation. adam didn't like the fact they were staring but didn't want to start up anything and just hoped the light would change soon.

but of course since you and adam were having a nice morning, it would be ruined all within a second. "why's this black woman slumming with you? you like some big hot shot, huh? sampling her like just another slut." one of them spoke up.

now adam liked to leave stuff well enough alone if you were with him but they went way over the line.

"what did you just say?" adam spit out angrily. of course that's when the light changed and before he could pull away from you, you grabbed his arm. "you heard him." the other man replied with a grin.

"i just wanted to make sure i heard correctly before i did this." adam said and then before they, including you, knew what was happening, he pulled away from you and punched the guy in the face. the other hollered like what adam did was something awesome, while the other held his bloody nose.

"what the fuck!" he shrieked before charging at adam. but before he touched him, adam moved out of the way and he instead face-planted into the pole. you chuckled at the man's misfortune and adam smiled at you before the two of you walked across the street.

"nice one babe." you said and kissed him on the cheek after you made it across the walkway.

adam leaned into your kiss and when you pulled away he grinned. "why thank you love. he totally shoved it where the sun don't shine all on his own, right?" you nodded and hoped that guy's face hurt.

it all made up for itself though when you bit into a yummy sweet ten minutes later.

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