^forgotten - upstead x reader

690 4 0


fmf pairing: jay halstead x reader x hailey upton.

word count: 0.6k

note: this was from a jay and hailey poly with reader angst and the prompts - "get out of my fucking life!" and "i hate you, i hate you, i hate you!"

since this was a drabble, i didn't post it with a gif.

(this was requested)


another day has gone by since hailey's panic attack. another day you've been forgotten.

they were in the living room and cuddling while watching a movie. you were making dinner in the kitchen and envying them.

you were supposed to be in a relationship with them-not the third wheel. how can things fall apart? how can they forget that you are supposed to be their world?

after putting down the spoon that you were using to stir the sauce, you walked towards the living room with hesitant steps. not wanting to say what you were about to say, but it's gotten to the point that it's a necessity now.


hailey and jay turned their position on the couch so they were facing the back, glancing up at you. his eyebrow raised and the blonde questioned. "when what?"

"when did you forget that i'm here too? it's been a whole month of feeling like i don't exist. how can you sit there and not even look at me?"

hailey looked down and played with her fingers while glancing at jay from the corner of her eye. jay got up slowly with caution as if you were a wild animal and he was the prey. "y/n, we never forgot you. i-"

a tear fell down your cheek but you wiped it quickly before putting your hands up, signaling that he shouldn't get any closer. "no! i hate you, i hate you, i hate you!"

hailey finally shook her head, getting herself out of the funk she was in and got up from the couch. she followed as you backed up but you continued walking to the bedroom."i've just been having a hard time baby, i'm so sorry."

you turned around to place a duffel bag on the bed that was sitting in the closet. you blew a strand of hair away from your face as you grabbed some clothes as well as toiletries.

the blonde watched you helplessly while leaning against the door and jay came up from behind her to slide his arms around her middle.

you shook your head, ignoring the distraught looks on their faces and continued shoving clothes into the bag.

"sweetheart, please put the bag away and come sit down. can we talk please?" jay asked and took one of his hands off from hailey to reach his hand out in your direction for you to take.

you felt bad for the zipper when angrily zippering it across the bag. but there was no time to be precious with it, with the need to get out of there fast.

once the bag's strap was around your shoulder, you took a deep breath to contain the emotions struggling to come up to the surface.

then after mentally preparing yourself and turning back around, you walked towards the door frame where they were currently standing.

before either could say anything you treaded past them in a hurry and yelled, "get out of my fucking life!"

the transfer to another precinct was already turned in when you left your shift earlier. after slipping it to trudy on your way out, she immediately picked it up with a frown directed your way.

trudy would never say it to anybody but you were her favorite. she understood because the past month you've walked in with circles and puffy rings under your eyes.

at night when jay and hailey fell asleep, you'd run the water in the bathroom and lean against the wall. not even blinking up at the ceiling stopped the tears dripping down your cheeks.

you slipped into the seat once the car was unlocked and put the address in the gps. only a total of three hours until you arrive in a new city.

already knowing that soon enough, everybody at the precinct would have forgotten you.

after all, jay and hailey did.

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