Chapter 9 -"Storm forecast..."

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Laurence School Munirka: Inside a class: 12:30 pm:

Harshad writes down the chemical equation on the blackboard and then turns back.

Harshad: "Anybody can balance the equation?"

He roams his eyes all around and fixes it on a student sitting on the backbench.

Harshad: "Akshat, come! Balance it. After that, I will show you all how we can make it easier."

He beckons the boy who unwillingly gets up and approaches the blackboard with as much as possible slow gait. Noticing this Harshad chuckles.

Harshad: (Mischievously) "What happened, Akshat? Do you need an auto to reach the board?"

The whole class guffaw at the situational joke. Akshat gets embarrassed and tries to cover the distance as soon as possible. However, his left shoe slips on the floor and he falls flat on his back. Harshad immediately nears him and lends his hand. The laughter increases in the class.

Harshad: (Giggles out) "Tch..Tch..Tch...forget it. I think you need to improve your body balance first. Go to your seat."

Akshat gets up and rubs his butt with a grateful smile.

Akshat: "Sir, ek Joke sunau? (Sir, can I crack a joke?)

Harshad widens his eyes with amusement. Students love him. He is not a stereotypical strict teacher. Instead, he believes that students should feel comfortable with their teacher. Friendliness can increase the willingness to learn in a learner.

Harshad: (Chuckles) "Okay, but in one condition. The joke should be related to Chemistry only. If you can make me laugh then I won't ask you any further questions. Is it okay?"

Akshat: (Brightly smile) "Okay, Sir. Sir, can you tell me if Oxygen and Magnesium get into a relationship, what will all call them?"

A mischievous smile peeps on Akshat's lips. Harshad frowns in confusion.

Harshad: (Confidently) "MgO?"

Akshat: (Brightly grins) "No, Sir. It's Oh My God. OMG. He...he..."

The whole class starts giggling which gradually spreads to Harshad's face.

Harshad: "Intelligent one. Now go to your seat and concentrate. Chemistry indeed can be interesting if we take it as fun. So, here the equation tells..."

He was about to right on the board when his mobile rings. He takes it out of his pocket. Nandini calling. His forehead lines with confusion. He faces the class unmindfully.

Harshad: "You all try to solve this. I am just coming."

He comes out of the classroom and stands in the corridor.

Harshad: (Anxiously) "Yes, Nandu? What happened? Is everything alright?"

Nandini's worried and anxious tone hits his eardrum.

Nandini: "Come as soon as possible. I think I will lose my mind."

Harshad: (Confusedly) "Wait..wait..wait...what happened? Why are you sounding so stressed? Did Amms again create a problem? Where is she?"

In response, Harshad hears a deep sigh from the other side of the line.

Nandini: "Right now, she is fighting with Manik's mother. But the thing is, both are not getting each other. One is shooting her Fittey muh (Stay away) and Khasmaa nu khao (A woman who eats her husband) and another is responding with Murkha mahile (Fool woman) and Sanskrtiyillada (Uncultured). The hostility and enthusiasm are at their peak. Thank God they at least don't have a translator in their mouth."

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