Chapter 21 - "Some more hurdles..."

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In front of the Magistrate room: 12:35 pm:

Nandini is continuously trying to take off the helmet from her head but somehow it is stuck on it as armour. Being irritated she shuns the effort and approaches Manik with hasty paces continuously waving her hand. The peon has already heard her 'here' call but couldn't match the person with the voice.

Nandini: (Yells excitedly) "Here, here. I am Nandini Murthy. Sorry, I am a bit late."

The peon roams his button eyes all over her body and then tries to find out her face behind the iron shield. Manik smells his confusion and steps forward to free Nandini from her headpiece. After a brief struggle, eventually, Nandini's head gets freed from that confinement. She smooths her ruffled hair with her hands and exhales with relief.

Nandini: "Ufff..."

Manik: "Yes, you are late but we can discuss the reason later. Now, let's go inside and sign the papers."

Nandini: "Wait, wait. Give me 500 rs. I have to give that cow owner. I forgot to carry my wallet in haste."

She points at the person who is still sitting on the bike like a confused soul. In fact, the whole crowd is staring at him like confused souls. The reason is apparent. He is wearing a lungi (Wrap around cloth for men) and vest while his posture on the bike is like a professional biker. A perfect example of an oxymoron.

Dhruv: (In a perplexed tone) "But you were supposed to come with Kunal. Why this cow owner?"

The peon: "Manik Malhotra, Nandini Murthy. Magistrate is calling you both. Don't delay."

Manik gestures to Dhruv to pay the cow owner and grabs Nandini's hand to enter the room. It's really too late.

Nandini: (Blabbers) "Hey, but where is my saree? I can't marry you in this clown attire."

Manik was about to reply something in a piqued tone when her eyes fall on the bench where Rituja is lying.

Nandini: (Mumbles) "Amma."

She looks at Manik with bewildered eyes and tries to go toward Rituja. However, Manik doesn't free her hand.

Dhruv: "Mmm...aa...Rijuta Aunty. She...she is sleeping."

Nandini: (With rolling eyes) "Sleeping?... Is it a place to sleep? And did she get here? Wait! Did she come here in search of me? Aiyappaaaa! (She throws her hands in the air in frustration) Why can't anything normal happen to me?"

The peon: "Manik Malhotra, Nandini Murthy. It's a final call."

Nandini: (Yells at the peon) "Bayi muchu!". (Just shut up!)

She again tries to approach Rituja but Manik almost drags her inside. Enough of this mess. He can't afford a failed day after all these efforts and drama.

Manik: "It's all your fault. Neither did you keep your phone switched off, nor I had failed to inform you that our plan has been slightly changed. How could I know that Harshad won't be able to bear a simple punch and Kunal will get your Mom here?"

Nandini is continuously twisting her hand to free it from Manik's grip while confronting him with equal hostility.

Nandini: (In a piqued tone) "My fault? Do you know how did I manage to come over here? That bloody cow almost punctured my belly. I literally begged in front of that old guy to get me here. And what have I seen after coming? My mother is having her sweet sleep on a bench. My would-be husband has no clue about it and I am...yes, I Nandini Murthy is going to marry this person in this go as you like clothes. Aiyappaa...why did I even agree to your plan? I knew that nothing would be going in a normal way."

Their argument continues and they haven't noticed when they have appeared in front of the Magistrate. At first, the Magistrate observes Nandini. His eyebrows arch in shock. Then he keeps on ping-ponging his button eyes between the two belligerents.

Manik: (Yells) "I told you. I told you that riding a bike is not your cup of tea. But what did you say at that time? Don't underestimate me. I will manage it. Dhoom machale!(Will have a blast) Ab macha liya dhoom? (Now, did you have a blast?)

Nandini: (Cries) "Shut up! You just tell me what did you do with my Amma?"

Manik: "First, you tell me, why your mobile was switched off?"

Both keep on rolling their eyes at each other. The Magistrate was listening to them till now. But now, it seems weird to him. They are supposed to behave like a would-be couple. Shy, thrilled and excited but here these two are rather behaving like two opponent lawyers quarrelling in a courtroom.

The Magistrate: (Yells) "SILENCE! You two. You have come for signing your marriage agreement or divorce paper? And you.."

He reads the application and guesses that the boy must be the groom because the short girl is hardly looking like a bride.

The Magistrate: "Umm...Manik Malhotra. Why are you holding her like this?"

He shoots a look at Manik's grip on Nandini's hand over the top of his glass. Manik observes his hand and tightens his grip more.

Manik: "Because her mother is sleeping outside and she is trying to check on her. But right now, our, marriage is more important. And yes, don't go on her dress. It's a messed-up plan. She is a girl and I am a boy and we are straight. Now, can we please sign the paper?"

The Magistrate shifts his sceptical eyes from Manik to Nandini.

The Magistrate: "Mother, sleeping. What all rubbish! Nandini Murthy, I hope this boy didn't kidnap you and you are marrying him willingly. Where are your parents? I mean we need two witnesses."

The mention of parents freshly ignites the urge in Nandini to see Rituja. Tears prick her eyes. However, she whiffs that something went wrong and right now, if she keeps on insisting to see her mother, the marriage can be cancelled. She shoots a dagger at Manik and picks the pen up.

Nandini: "No, Sir. I am getting married to him willingly. My parents...they are..."

Manik: "Sir, our parents are not ready for this marriage. So, we had to elope. But we are adults. These are our age proofs."

He hints to Nandini to show her I card and signs the paper.

Manik: "My brother and one of my friends will be the witnesses. Can I call them?"

The Magistrate takes some time to grok the situation. Eventually, a faint smile creeps on his lips. He really liked Manik's truthfulness.

The Magistrate: "Call them. And I hope you both will lead a happy life in future. Like a normal couple. Not like this."

He points at Nandini and chuckles. Only then, Dhruv enters. His expression is like, "Don't blame me, Bro."

Dhruv: "Rituja Aunty is awake. Police nabbed Kunal."

Author's note: More confusion, gags and twists are waiting in upcoming chapters. So, stay tuned.🙏❤

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