Chapter 23 - "Cherry ending..."

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Inside the Magistrate room: Sub-registrar office: Kashmere Gate: Delhi: 2:45 pm:

Nandini's words halt Rituja's pace for a while. Without looking back, she lifts her face to stare at the ceiling. Her eyes are blood red and moist with tears. Nandini always remained an obedient and honest kid for the Murthy family. It's hard to believe that she can take any drastic step like this and fool her family. On the other hand, Nandini's words create turbulence in many people's minds. Dhruv looks at Manik who is standing like a statue having hard jaws. His eyes are also fixed on Rituja. Dhruv was about to part his lips at Nandini when Manik clutches his wrist tightly.

Manik: (In a low determined tone) "Don't. Maybe I was wrong. She can't be happy by hurting her loved ones."

Dhruv: "But, Bhai..!"

Manik: "I trust my destiny."

Meanwhile, Nandini nears Rituja and stands in front of her. Mother and daughter are now looking at each other with tearful eyes.

Nandini: (In a composed tone) "You can't leave like this, Amma. If you want to go then I will be with you. Married to Manik or unmarried forever. Amma, I know we have taken a drastic step for our love and trust me it was my idea. Manik just supported me because we can't live without each other. But at the same time, I can't live without my family's love. Since my childhood, you are the only one who understands my feelings. What I want and what I love because you have a fair and logical vision to this new world, unlike Amms and Appa who still believe that people should be divided and discriminated on the basis of caste, province and language. Their stereotype..."

Rituja: "Nandini...don't forget that you are talking about your grandmother and your father. If they have their notion then there must be some ground. Yes, I have nothing against Punjabi or North Indians. But it's not only about it. In the last 2 months, there were many situations where we were forced to think otherwise about Manik and his family. Our beliefs, our culture, values...nothing matches with them. Forget about us...will his family accept you as his wife? What will be your condition in his family if he ever realises his mistake to go against his family? What will be your position at that time?"

Before Nandini or Manik can say anything, Dhruv unshackles his hand from Manik's grip and walks to Rituja and Nandini.

Dhruv: (Composedly) "Rituja Aunty, I am Dhruv. Manik's brother. We met before but that was not a favoured situation where I could introduce myself properly. Even today...I don't know if I have any right or position to talk in between you both but still, I want to say something."

He pauses for a brief while Rituja eyes him with determination. Dhruv takes a deep breath.

Dhruv: "Aunty, sometimes what you see isn't the whole truth. Maybe Manik Malhotra has appeared in front of your family as a rude, untamed and insolent person but that is not his true character. Well, you can say I am biased about my brother. Maybe you are right but I have evaluated him as a third person too. You will be surprised to know that since our childhood I have seen him working for the elderly people who live in old age homes. He used to spend every Sunday in the nearby home and at that age, he used to buy goodies for those elderly people from his pocket money. A person who doesn't respect seniors can't do this. He misbehaved with Amms because she talked ill about our family and community and I think any person who has a backbone will react in that way. Even Nandini won't tolerate her family's insults. Yes, I accept that my Mom conceives the exact stereotypical notion about the South Indians but that doesn't define her character either. She is the most loving and caring mother we could ever get. Yes, she doesn't like Amms but she never tells that she doesn't like Nandini. In fact, nobody can dislike Nandini. Answering your other doubt if Manik Bhai ever leaves Nandini's side...well, Aunty I know my brother. He can go against every odd but can't leave Nandini for anything. He can leave Nandini for her happiness but can't be happy without her. Nandini was right. He was not ready for this marriage or elopement but for her happiness, he kept his values aside. And about Nandini's position in our family...Aunty I can assure you that along with Bhai all will love her. Yes, in Mom's case, Nandu has to put in some extra effort but I know she can win her heart too. She has that capability. Still, if you think that Manik Bhai and Nandini shouldn't be together just because of these obstructions then I will say that the most important things in a relationship are love, trust and respect. Manik and Nandini love each other so that they can leave each other for that sake of love. They trust each other so that they know no one can be a part of their life as they are for themselves and respect each other so that both can be separated to value their decision. They may not be happy without each other but they will never let their love down in front of anyone."

Dhruv concludes with a deep sigh. A faint smile beams on Manik's lips. He never noticed when his younger brother became so mature and big. Until now, Shahid was listening to Dhruv with wide-open eyes. Now, he gapes with surprise,

Shahid: (Whisper) "Bravo, Boss! Where have you been all this time?"

Nandini kept on observing her mother throughout Dhruv's words. However, no visible changes get noticed on Rituja's face. Nandini's eyes become clouded with dejection. She holds Rituja's hand and pulls her to leave the room.

Nandini: "Let's go Amma. You need rest."

Manik keeps on looking at Nandini in hope that she may look back for the last time. He feels like a part of his heart has been ripped off from its place. Dhruv looks at his brother and Manik blinks to console him. The other name for love is sacrifice.

Rituja: "After this registry, you both have to marry with proper rituals, Manik and listen to me very clearly...I want to see you in proper Kannadiga groom attire. No compromise in that."

For some moments, no one can sink into her words. Nandini and Manik are looking at each other with wide-open eyes while Rituja walks to the Magistrate's table.

Rituja: "Nandu, sighradalle sahi madi. (Nandu, sign it soon). Sir, where do I have to sign? I want to be one of the witnesses."

Even the Magistrate gapes at Rituja and gradually a bright smile covers his face.

Magistrate: "All well that ends well. Ms Nandini Murthy, sign here. After that, all the witnesses can sign. Hurry up. You already have made this courtroom a rostrum."

Suddenly Dhruv makes a cheerful yell,

Dhruv: "Yehhhhhh...finally...guys, really! Nothing happens smoothly in your life."

Magistrate: "Order, order...don't forget it's a courtroom. I can still cancel your application."

Dhruv immediately places his index finger on his lips and makes a puppy face. Nandini rushes to her mother and embraces her tightly.

Nandini: (In a choked voice) "Thank you, Thank you Amma. Ninnannu pritisuttene! (Love you)"

She picks the pen up and signs the paper while wiping her brimming eyes with a full grin. One by one all the witnesses sign the paper. Shahid takes out two garlands from his bag. Nandini and Manik take each of them. Nandini looks at Rituja and she nods with a smile. Both slip the garland to each other's neck. Dhruv and Shahid clap and whoop with zeal.

Rituja: "Mangalsutra and Sindoor?"

She looks at everyone with worried eyes as if something is missing. Manik smile at her worried face and fishes out something from his pocket.

Manik: (Nonchalantly) "Although I got a saree for Nandini too. Because in these clothes.."

He rolls his eyes at Nandini while roaming them on her whole body.

Manik: "...she is looking not at all a bride but rather a jocker."

Nandini: (Glares at him) "All thanks to your stupid plan. Now, if you chatter more then I will leave you even if Amma forbids me."

Manik giggles and ties the nuptial chain to Nandini's neck followed by filling her hair partition with the vermilion. A pinch of sindoor falls on her nose tip. Nandini tries to wipe it off while Rituja stops her.

Rituja: "Don' proves how much your partner loves you."

Manik: (Mischievously) "Hence prove how much I love you. But I have some important work to complete."

All look at him with surprised eyes. Manik bites his lower lips and suddenly pecks Rituja on her cheek.

Manik: "That was no thief, Amma. That was me, your son-in-law. Ninnannu pritisuttene! (Love you)"

Rituja gapes with dilated eyes. All giggle with a zealous clap.

Author's note: So, finally, Manan got married with Nandini's mother's consent. But what now? How will they face the other members of the family who are against this relationship? How will Rituja manage the situation? How will Manik convince Nyonika and introduce Nandini as her daughter-in-law? The problems are not solved yet. Let's see what happens next. Keep reading. 🙏❤

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