The Beginning of the End

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Y/n pov

Growing up isn't easy in the Mathews household. I'm only 11 months younger than Cory but everything is a living hell. I mean it's easier in a way, half the time I join in with him and his friends. We're in the same year so it's hard to avoid one another when all we are is super close. But I have a massive secret I'm keeping from my brother and it all started about three months ago.


"My turn to make the bet Shawn," I said.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," he replied.

The bet game is what we like to call it. Every day we take turns creating bets for one another, the rules are simple:
1. You must complete the bet within 24 hours
2. If it's to do with someone else in a relationship sense you are not allowed to bet more than a kiss or a hug (you can't bet the other to get intimate with the person)
3. If you fail to complete the bet you owe the other person $5
4. The bet giver must be there to witness
5. No bet is too small
Simple really, well at least for us. And since Shawn and I are real players we don't ever have an issue completing a task.

"Alright y/n what is it this time? Ask out a girl and not turn up to the date?"

"I bet/dare you to find your crush and make out with her."

"Challenge accepted!" He said.


Shawn's pov

The bet. That was going to be a lot harder than I thought. The thing is I have a crush on this girl who is an absolute babe but she's kinda related to my best friend. She's sitting across from me right now. I'm not open about my feelings, I'm never open about them. That's why I shift around so much, that's why the 2 week rule was placed in, so I wouldn't go screwing around with my feelings. Never get to attached, that's the Hunter's moto.
The thing is, I've been friends with y/n for just as long as I have been with Cor. I don't want to ruin all that we have, I mean these days Cory has gotten boring, he's always with Topanga so I hang with y/n. Thus how the bet game was created.

"Hey, I'll.. umm.. catch you later," I said way too awkwardly.

"Yeah ok."

I ran off in a hurry trying to clear my thoughts although the only real thing crossing my mind was, this is it. This was finally my chance to show her how I feel, and just hope that she feels the same.

I pace the halls and didn't even hear the bell signaling class. I was still moving until I ran into Mr. Turner who was staring at me awkwardly.

"Didn't you hear, this year when the bell rings it means get to class," he said way to sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah sorry Mr. T I got a lot on my mind."

"So do I, how about you sleep on it in class this session since I know you're going to pay no attention anyway."

I follow Turner into class, and sit in my usual seat. I glance at y/n who is sitting next to me. Gosh she's gorgeous. I wish I could touch her luscious h/c hair and hold her and ... I realise at that moment I started to sound like Cory. Is this what love feels like? Makes you go head over heels for this one person.


Y/n pov

I don't know what he is doing but I can see out of the corner of my eye that he's staring at me. This bet must really be getting to him and to be honest it's getting to me too. I kinda want to know who he has a crush on. I mean he's never told me, and my curiosity is raging through the roof. He has 24 hours and I must be there to witness.

I'm really nervous because, for the longest time I've had a secret crush on Shawn. When I made this bet I was hoping he'd choose me and we can finally do something to get this going, we could be the power couple of the century, after Cory and Topanga of course. I've known since 6th grade and we're now in 10th. I'm not good at the opening up thing so I've never told anyone how I feel, especially Shawn.

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