Perfect Date

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It was great to see the improvements that had happened since my birthday. Shawn gave me his word, he came over everyday to check up on me, he took me out on dates every Friday night after school. We'd talk and laugh for hours and if it got too late he'd take me to his and I'd stay the night, he was extremely respectful with this. He'd give me his bed and go sleep on the couch so I was comfortable with what was happening, Eric loved the fact that we weren't in the same room.

Tonight Shawn promised me he would take me to see a drive in movie happening just outside Phillie. I became extremely excited, they were streaming Toy Story out there, Shawn and I really bonded over that movie when we first got together. In the back of my head, I remembered that today was our 3 year anniversary, and I'm pretty sure Shawn wanted to make it special, after mending our relationship for weeks.

I was into my room and search through my closet for the perfect outfit for the date. I wanted to look good to prove to Shawn I am committed, that nothing is going to stop any of this. I found a dress I had hidden in the back of my closet for the perfect moment. It was completely black, with a slit on the side of the dress, it supported my boobs without me having to wear a bra and had a few exposed areas here and there. I threw on my best looking sneakers I had and brushed my hair out so if flowed down my back.

I applied a small layer of mascara and some red lipstick that I thought looked good, and walked down stairs to find Cory

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I applied a small layer of mascara and some red lipstick that I thought looked good, and walked down stairs to find Cory. He was hiding in the kitchen with Topanga cooking some cupcakes.

"So guys, what do you think?" I ask them.

The both look up and their jaws drop, I can see Topanga's eyes widen as she becomes completely stunned. Cory stands there speechless but I know he's thinking, oh my god my little sister has grown up. I'm only 11 months younger than you Cor.

"Wow, you look incredible," Topanga says.

"Thanks, I hope it looks good enough for Shawn."

"Good enough for Shawn. Y/n you look stunning," Cory says

"Thanks Cor."

I hear a knock from the back door where we were all standing. Cory opens the door and standing in the frame was Shawn dressed in his finest looking suit, handsome as hell. He glances up at me, his jaw dropped like Topanga's did, completely speechless like Cor.

Finally being able to get some words in his mouth he says, "Wow... Y/n... you look..."

Topanga cuts him off, "Fantastic, fabulous, amazing, don't you think Shawn?"

"I was going to say perfect, but yes all those things too," he says as he walks up and grabs my hands. He give me a peck on the cheek and I can't stop the smile covering my face.

"You look great too Shawn," I tell him as I kiss him on the lips.

"Look at this, my best friend and my sister, don't you think it's perfect Topanga. Don't ya?" Cory says.

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