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We all sit in Feeny's class waiting for Shawn to show up, the thing was, he didn't. I was beginning to get really worried, I asked Feeny if I could go find Shawn, knowing he is still in the building, I walked out of Feeny's class and spent the entire time searching. I checked the library, the closets, his locker, other classrooms, and most importantly, Angela's class. She wasn't in her class, and I couldn't see him anyway, I finally decided to go out to the parking lot to find Shawn. That's where he was, in the parking lot, with Angela. She had her hands all over him and he did nothing to stop her, I stand there in shock, then suddenly I see her lean in to kiss him. I turned away at that moment, I couldn't look anymore. I ran back inside, back to my locker, and instantly called Eric. My heart literally broke in 2, as my brother answered the phone, I talked to him in tears. I hear him rush out of his class, hop into his car and start to drive to come pick me up. I grab my bag out of my locker, and walk quickly out of the doors I had walked through earlier, tears rolling down my face. I think Shawn sees me because I hear someone calling out my name, Eric turns up before Shawn can get to me, I rush into the car and Eric presses on the gas.

"You wanna talk about it?" Eric asks.

"Not really," I tell him.

I notice he doesn't drive me in the direction of the house, or his apartment. I was confused, where was he taking me. We show in the the car park of my safe place, my happy place, I knew Eric would go to any extremes to make me happy. I hop out of the car and run to the bench where I always sit to clear my head. My eyes release tears, I rest my head into my knees that sit up on the bench.

"Hey, y/n, what happened? What did you see?" Eric asks.

"Angela happened. It was everything I ever worried about and more. Shawn never showed up for Feeny's class, so I asked Feeny if I could go find him, Feeny said yes. I checked everywhere, the library, his locker, he was nowhere, I checked Angela's class and noticed she wasn't there either. I thought I'd check to see if Shawn's car was still here," the tears flood out faster, "he was at his car with her, she had her hands all over him, he didn't stop her. Then she leans in, she kisses him, I turn away before watching anymore, ran inside and called you."

"Oh, I'm so sorry y/n," Eric says, he wraps his arms around me and attempts to comfort me.

"I knew something was going to happen. Angela was supposed to be my friend, but she's been all over Shawn since the day we talked about him. Since the day I told Angela he is my boyfriend, she's been after him."

"Hey, you never know, he might've pulled away, stopped the entire thing. What am I say? I'm going to kill him, he's dead. When I get home, he's screwed."

I see another car pull up beside Eric's, no one knows of this place and all the families and children have school and work. I was so clueless to who it could be, it's a private place that only Eric, Cory and I come to, to bring back the memories, to clear our heads. I see Shawn get out of his car and my upset expression changes to an angry one. How did he know we were here? How does he even know of this place? What does he want? Then I think about it for a second, Cory must've told him, I know Eric and I keep this place to ourselves, it was Cory, and now thanks to my idiot of a brother I have to talk to my boyfriend who I don't want to see. He walks over towards Eric and I, we both have a look of frustration that covers our face. Eric stands up and walks over to Shawn, Shawn jumps a little as Eric approaches him.

"I think you should leave Shawn," Eric says.

"Hey man, is she ok? I saw her run out crying, and she ignored me," Shawn says.

"I think you should leave Shawn," Eric repeats.

"What happened man? Is she ok?" Shawn says pushing up against Eric.

"Don't fucking touch me, turn your ass around and go back to school."

"What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

"You know what you did? Stay away from my sister. We'll be having a discussion when we get home."

Shawn walks away looking extremely confused, unsure of what he did. Eric walks back over to me proud of what he did. He always takes good care of me, I really appreciate what he did for me. We hop back into Eric's car, and he quickly drives to the shop, grabs 2 tubs of my favorite ice-cream, and drives me home. We sit on the couch and binge watch Full House on the TV, until Cory comes home. I don't have the guts to tell Cor what happened, so Eric pull Cory into the kitchen and tells him exactly what happened. 5 minutes later Cory storms into the loungeroom and hugs me.

"I'm going to kill him," Cory says.

"Seems you and Eric have something in common right now."

"Eric, take me to your apartment, I think it's time you, Shawn and I all have a discussion."

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