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Cory's Pov

I'm shocked, I'm hurt, every word that Eric is telling me is killing me inside and out. That's not the Shawn I know, he loves my sister, no way in hell would he ever do that to her. But everything he says becomes more and more real, Shawn missed Feeny's class, he never misses Feeny's class, and Angela pulled him away before class. Did Shawn really do this to her? Their relationship was amazing, nothing ever went wrong. Shawn made her the happiest I've ever seen her in her life, and she made him happier than I've ever seen him, how could he throw it all away for some girl he barely knows?

I storm out of kitchen absolutely furious. I walk over to my little sister and give her a big hug.

"I'm going to kill him," I tell her.

"Seems like you and Eric have something in common right now," she replies.

I was absolutely furious, I was surprised she was holding up so well in that moments. Then I notice the tub of ice cream in front of her, its her favorite, Eric must have gotten it for her before, they came home.

"Eric, take me to your apartment, I think it's time you, Shawn and I all have a discussion."

I grab my coat from the hanger and push Eric out of the door, I open the door to Eric's car, sit down and slam the door shut, Eric does the same. He drives us to the apartment, where once again we slam the doors, we speed walk past everyone and straight to the elevator. Our faces begin to change as the elevator heads towards Eric's floor, our faces went made to I want to kill you. Eric opens the front door and we see Shawn and Jack sitting on the couch next to each other.

I walk up to Shawn, "how could you? How dare you hurt our sister like that?"

"Wow, wow, wow, what are you on about Cor?" Shawn says.

"You know exactly what I'm on about Shawn. How dare you kiss Angela when you're dating my sister, what the hell was going through your head? You broke her heart man. She saw everything, her rubbing up against you in the parking lot, you letting her kiss you, right while y/n stood there and watched."

"Wait what? She saw that?"

"Of course she saw that. And even if she didn't, she would've found out eventually. How could you ever hurt her like that, she loves you man," Eric screams in Shawn's face.

"You really did this Shawn?" Jack asks.

"Hey look, it was an accident, as soon as Angela kissed me I pulled away, it felt so wrong kissing someone that wasn't y/n, I love her," Shawn says.

"Yeah but why were you even out there with her in the first place? One you should've been in class and two why would you lead Angela on like that, you let her have her hands all over you, you didn't stop it," I say.

"You're playing a very dangerous game here Shawn and one day, like right now, it's going to all catch up to you," Jack says taking our side.

"Hey, if I could take it all back, I would, I regret it massively," Shawn tells us.

"Why did Angela even want to talk to you privately?" I ask.

"She told me the other week that she likes me. I tried so hard to let her down gently but she didn't listen, I told her several time I wasn't planning on leaving y/n. She wanted to talk to me, I didn't know why at first, then when she kissed me, I realized it was to try and break me up with y/n. I basically threw her off me when she kissed me, I tried to get her to stop touching me but she wouldn't, it was so frustrating, I just let it be until something went terribly wrong. After I threw her off, I saw y/n come out of the school with tears falling down her face, I was trying to talk to her about what was wrong, but you came around the corner, picked her up and took her away. I went to the first place I thought of, the one Cory showed me, y/n's happy place, I thought I'd try there because she was upset. My luck was right because there you 2 were, on the bench she sits at every time she goes there."

"So you did try and throw her off?" Eric asks.

"Yes, but I had no idea, y/n was there and saw it all."

"She was worried about you, you came to school together, late, then you didn't show up for your first session," I say.

"What do you mean they were late?" Eric questions.

"They didn't get to school until 11."

"But y/n was in the shower by the time Jack and I left this morning." 

I laughed at what Eric said, "Eric, you know y/n wasn't the only one in that shower, right?"

Eric stood there confused for a sec, then an expression of anger and shock covered him face, "you did that in our communal shower? Bro we all share that shower. I think I'm going to throw up... So you did that this morning, and then kissed another girl, what the actual fuck Shawn, how stupid can you possibly be?"

"Again, I tried to get rid of her, but she just wouldn't lay off me," Shawn says.

"There is no way, she'll ever believe you, she watched it," I say.

"I know, you have to help me out. Please believe me Cor, I would never do anything to hurt y/n, I do love her, so much."

"Yeah, well, it's not me you have to convince, it's her."

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