Sweet Unsweet 16

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Today is a great day, because today is the day that Y/n Matthew's turns 16, and we all know what that means... I can go get my license. I get out of bed super excited, run into my closet and grab my favorite outfit, my nice black trackies and my favorite top. I do my hair up in a nice half up, half down, throw on my favorite pair of shoes and run across the hall. I knock on Cory's door then on Morgan's to get them to wake up. I run down the stairs, into the kitchen where I see mum and dad cooking a ton of pancakes. My zombie siblings come crawling down the stairs.

"Ughh," is the noise that comes falling out of their mouths.

"Good morning, y/n," my parents say in unison.

They hand me a plate with my favorite toppings on my pancakes, and I sit at the table and eat them. I walk into the living room after finishing my pancakes and sit on the couch and throw on my favorite TV show. Next thing I knew I was surrounded by presents that my family had gotten for my birthday.

"Oh my god guys, thank you so much," I say as I reach out to unwrap my presents.

I open them all as I receive a camera, some books, and a few other things. I open my final present, in a small box lays a set of keys and my heart fills with joy. I look over to my parents in complete and utter shock.

"It's waiting outside," dad says.

I instantly get out of my chair and rush outside to see my brand new car waiting for me. It was an Acura NSX, a car I had been eyeing off for ages, I told dad about how one day I'd love to have this car. The paint was fresh in a nice red color, and it look like it had never been used. I open the door to the car, and sit inside, it had the new car smell and everything. Cory stood there, his mouth wide open in shock, clearly jealous of my new car.

"What the... you got her a brand new car and I'm left with that old thing," Cory said completely jealous.

"Yes, we know Cor, but since you are born so close we had to make some compromise, you're going to get some big present or party on your 18th and y/n isn't," dad said.

"Umm, kids we have one more surprise, but this isn't just for y/n, it's for all of you," mum says.

Just as she said that Eric turned up with Shawn in the passenger seat. I still don't know what I'm doing with Shawn, I still love him but, loving him seems to hurt me, so I'm lost.

"Hey sis, happy birthday," Eric says coming up to me and giving me a hug. He hands me a present with oddly wrapped paper around it, I accept the present and open it in front of my new car. "Hey, who's car is that?"

"Its mine," I tell him.

"She's yours?" he asks.

"Umm, yeah, she's a birthday present."

"Wow, she's gorgeous," Shawn says staring at the car.

"Are you talking about me or the car?" I joke.

"You, of course you," he walks over to me wraps his arms around my waist and give me a kiss, "Happy Birthday babe."

"You're here just in time Eric, I have an announcement for the entire family," mum says.

"What is it?" we ask.

"Sorry to do this on your birthday y/n but I don't think we can hide it anymore, I'm pregnant," mum announces.

We all stand there in complete shock, our jaws drop as we look at our mother and father.

"You're what?" Morgan says in a sassy attitude.

"Morgan, you're going to have younger sibling," dad tries to explain.

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