Potential Threat pt 2

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Shawn's Pov

I noticed earlier in the day that y/n was being dragged away by some girl who has class directly across from ours. The girl seemed excited and curious, so I let it be, knowing y/n would've probably loved talking to her. I've never seen her around here before, but I've also noticed that y/n has become more distant lately, I'm worried I've done something to upset her, so I'll probably go talk to her about it after school.

Last session, the whole gang has English with Mr. Turner, so I can see her and have a discussion about it all during the class, its not like Mr. T is teaching us anything important anyway. I walk into his class expecting y/n and Cory to show up, but they never did. I was worried, they never miss a class, especially Mr. Turner's class, its our favorite. 

"Hey, Hunter, where are the Matthews?" Mr. T asks.

"I'm not sure Turner, I was literally just with y/n last period and she just hasn't shown up, I'm worried, she never misses your class," I tell him.

"Yeah, Mr. T, Cory never misses your class, it is one of his absolute favorites," Topanga says.

Suddenly, I notice something different about Topanga, she has a weird look crossing her face, like she was trying to hide something. I looked at her for a little while longer, noticing she was beginning to get more uncomfortable.

"You know something I don't, don't you Topanga?" I say.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Shawn," she replies.

"Look at you, you're hiding something. I've known you most of my life and I can tell when you're lying, so, where are they?"

"They went home ok. Cory took y/n home, she seemed really stressed, like she was going to have a panic attack or something, she just didn't need to be here right now. I'm sorry Mr. T but you should've seen her, she wasn't ok."

"Screw this, I have to go see her."

"Sit down Mr. Hunter, you don't leave until I dismiss you, you can visit her after school," Mr. Turner says.

"But Turner..."

"No buts Shawn, sit down."

I sit down and wait for the excruciating hour to end, I'm worried about her, and Turner won't even let me make sure that my girlfriend is ok. As soon as that siren went, I grabbed Topanga, raced out of the classroom and asked her to explain to me what happened.

"Hey, it was nothing, she just had a moment ok, she's fine, that's why Cory took her home," she tells me.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"Cor messaged me and told me what's going on. He says she's alright now just stressed about what someone might do."

"And that someone is?"

"I'm not telling you that Shawn."

"Why not? I want to ensure that y/n and my relationship is safe, that she feels comfortable, I haven't done anything wrong have I?"

"No Shawn, she's just worried about what someone else might do to effect your relationship."

"Serious Topanga, who is it?"

"I'm not telling you, if you want to find out go ask her yourself."

"Fine, I will."

I try to leave the school but I'm stopped by the girl who was talking to y/n earlier, I wonder if she know anything.

"Hey, are you Shawn Hunter?" the girl asks me.

"Yeah, and who might you be?"

"I'm Angela Moore, I started here at the beginning of the year."

"Yeah, well it's nice to meet you Angela, but if you don't mind I need to go check up on my girlfriend. She missed last period today and I'm really worried about her."

"Hey, y/n Matthews is your girlfriend right?"

"Umm, yeah, how did you know?"

"Y/n and I talk all the time, it's been so much fun since I've moved here, she's the only person I really connect with. We hang out after school on Thursday's and sometimes we hang out in school, but she always talks about you and your mates, she loves you so much."

"Yeah, I know, and I love her too. Sorry, but I really want to go see her so if you'll excuse me."

I walk away from Angela and try to get to my car as soon as possible. I make my way towards the Matthews house, pull up on the lawn and knock on the door. I'm welcomed by Cory who seems not as pleased as usual to see me.

"Hey Cor, can I come in."

"No Shawn, we need to go talk."

Cory pushes me outside and into his car. He drives me to some place I don't recognize and tells me to get out.

"Hey dude, seriously, what is all this about? I came to check on y/n because I'm worried about her, you guys missed Turner's class, you never miss Turner's class, what the hell is going on."

"I want to make one thing extra clear now, if you ever hurt my sister, you'll pay the price. Do not go breaking her heart, you look after her, she is my little sister and if you respect me you'll respect her and treat her right. If you ever hurt her, I'll hurt you," Cory tells me.

"What are you on about Cor? I'd never hurt y/n, I love her for fuck sake, she's the one person in the world I can see my future with, I care about her so much. I have spent every extra moment I have with her so I don't lose her, because she is my entire world. Now what is everyone so afraid of, who made her feel this way?"

"Have you met Angela yet?"

"Yeah, today actually. Before I left school, she seemed like a really nice person but I was rushing her so I could come check on y/n and then you threw me out the door and dragged me here. What even is this place?"

"I thought I'd share something about y/n that you never knew. Shawn Hunter welcome to Y/n Matthews happy place, she comes down her and sits on this very bench every week and relives our past. Ever moment our family has had together, all the sports memories. She's still trying to convince me that she's a better baseball player than I am."

"Well Cor, she is!"

"No she's not but anyway, I want you to know everything about my sister, like right now, when I took her home today, it was because she was worried Angela might take you away from her, that she might lose you to a girl who she thinks is prettier than herself. She thinks that after you 2 meet that you'll change your mind about your relationship and that she'll lose you forever. I think she wants an epic love story just like mine and Topanga's, but your story is just as epic as ours."

"She's worried I might leave her? But Cor, I'd never do that, she's the love of my life. I've known her just as long as I've known you, she's my everything, I would never do anything to hurt her, I never want to hurt her."

"I know, but we needed to have this talk before you went to see her."

"Cory, can you drive me back to yours? I need to talk to my girl," I tell him.

"Sure thing, Shawn."

We hop back in Cor's car and he takes me back to y/n. I open the front door and run up to her room, I take a deep breath before opening the door. I noticed she's sitting in her bed curled up in a ball, I walk over to her, she looks up from her knees in shock. I hug her tight and don't let go, she does the same.

"It's ok baby, I'm not going anywhere, please know that, you're my everything, I don't know what I'd do without you," I say to her.

She lays her head on my chest and I let her be, I hold onto her because I'm not ready to let go, I'll never be ready to let go.

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