Forgive But Never Forget

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Y/n Pov

After my brothers left, I sat in my room, crying into my knees. This entire day made me overthink like crazy. I don't want to lose him, but I feel so betrayed by him. What if what I saw was all wrong? Maybe then it wouldn't be so bad. He's my entire world, I love him so much, but if my brothers come back and tell me they killed him, I know the truth then. I want to stay with him even after what he did, but I don't want to have to deal with what he did for the rest of my life. Does that mean I'm through with him? I don't want to be, but maybe our time is up, it was a great time we had, but he ruined it, and I can't live with this pain.

I spent the night overthinking way to much, I struggled to fall asleep, I heard the car pull into the driveway, clearly Eric was dropping Cory home. I heard the door open, voices coming loudly from down stairs and making their way up stairs. Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door, assuming it is Cor, I yell for him to come in. The door opens and Cory walks in, but I don't see Eric follow.

"Umm, hey Cor," I say wiping away my tears.

He approaches me quickly and hugs me real tight. He sits back up and hops on the side of my bed. 

"So did you kill him? Or is he still alive?" I ask.

"Umm... well," he says.

"He's outside my room isn't he?"

"Yes, but I think you should hear him out."

"Why? Look at me, I'm drowning in my own tears, he hurt me, and right now I don't think I can even look at him."

My door opens and Shawn walks in, I bury my head in my knees so I don't have to see him, so he can't see me like this. 

"Hey, y/n," he says, he places one hand on my back trying to be comforting.

"Shawn, if you don't take your hand off me in the next 2 seconds you won't have hands," I tell him, he quickly lifts his hand off my back.

"Hey look, I'm sorry. The thing is, nothing really happened between me and Angela."

"Then what did happen? You kissed and let her have her hands all over you, sure that's what we call nothing these days," I say lifting my head off of my knees.

"Seriously, y/n. I want you to know what happened first, then you can make your decision."

I sat there and let him explain the story, how ever since the day Angela asked me about Shawn, she's had her hand all over him trying to make us break up. She was one of my closest friends and she betrayed me, all my trust was gone, and most of my trust for Shawn vanished too. He explained how he tried so hard to get rid of her because he wanted me and me only, but I was also replaying everything I saw in my head. Today, when I saw him with her, he was yelling at her tell her to stay away from us, he didn't want anything to do with her, but she made the moves. He believes that she noticed when I came out, making more moves than normal, and she kissed him to ensure that we broke up, and I feel I need to, but I just don't want to. Once he finished telling me all that happened, he sat back and waited for me to make up I mind. I stood up, and signaled for him to stand up too.

"Shawn Hunter, in full honesty, you have lost a lot of my trust, and you're going to have to earn it back if you want to make this work, but I'm willing to put this aside and try and fix things, as long as you are willing to do the same," I tell him. I see Cory out the corner of my eye, smiling with complete and utter joy.

"So, does that mean we aren't breaking up?" he asked.

"No, I'm not breaking up with you," I say with a little smirk on my face. I walk up to him, wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him on the cheek, "but don't you ever do that to me again, don't forget one of my brother's live with you and the other is your best mate, and after today, I think I'm safe to say they will protect me at all costs."

"I can clearly see that. Oh, and there is one more thing you need to know."

"What?" I ask, questioning myself if I even want the answer.

"Eric kinda found out what happened in the shower this morning and is slightly pissed at us."

"Huh, sounds like an Eric problem if I'm being honest," I joke and he laughs with me.

He pulls me in tight and I'm starting to wonder if I made the right choice, or if I just made the choice to satisfy Cory who was still standing right next to us.

"Look at that, my best friend and my sister, the happy couple once again."

Was I happy tho?

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