Finding Solutions

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I woke up next to Shawn the following morning, my head lay resting on his chest, his arm wrapped around me. He was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him, I lay there thinking about possible ways I could help him and his brother get along, whether Shawn liked it or not, he was going to have to live with his brother. I want him to have a good relationship with Jack like I do with Eric and Cor, but I know that it's 2 completely different situations there.

I try to get up without waking Shawn, I climb out of his bed and head out to the kitchen where I found Chet making us some breakfast.

"Morning Chet," I say.

"Good morning dear, sleep well?" he asked.

"Yeah, I did, thanks for letting me stay over."

"All good, I think Shawn could use your company for a while, he's not going to be happy with me for a while."

"I know, but he's not going to like me so much after what I'm about to do today."

"What are you planning?" Chet asks.

I sit there a discuss with Chet the plan I had made for Shawn and Jack to potentially get along. He thought the plan was a brilliant idea, and gave me Jack's number so I could set it all up. I ate the breakfast he had laid out for me and went back into Shawn's room, he was still sound asleep. I kissed him on the forehead, grabbed whatever I brought with me yesterday. I get my phone out of my pocket and call Cor to come pick me up, since Shawn kinda dropped me off and left me here with him, I have no other way home. It took Cory 10 minutes to show up, but when he did I hopped in the passenger seat and he drove us home. 

I race out of the car, throw a new pair of clothes on and search the house for Cory. I find him hiding in his room having an argument with Eric about Jack's apartment.

"Dude, I have tried everything and this is the best I've got, so will you take it," Cory says.

"No Cor, it's not what I'm looking for, I'm not a big fan of the guy," Eric retaliates.

"Jesus boys, we've got bigger issues right now. Its to do with what happened yesterday," I tell them.

"To do with Jack and Shawn?" Cory questioned.

"Yes, after Shawn and I let yesterday, Jack showed up at the trailer park, coming by to say hello to Chet, telling him all about the new apartment. Anyway, Chet told Shawn that he has to move in with Jack, because he doesn't want him having to live the poor trailer park life anymore. Jack offer up a room to Shawn, now Chet has gone all serious big man protecting Shawn by making him leave. Shawn doesn't have a choice here, and he hates his brother, so we need to get them to like each other before they are forced to move in together."

"Geez, leave you guys alone for 1 night and this is what happens?" Cor says.

"Geez, thanks Cor, not like I made this entire scenario happen last night. Anyway, I've got a plan but I need one of you to drive me to Chubbie's."

"Yeah, sure, but you better tell me about this plan on the way."

Cory grabs his keys, and we race out to his car. I begin to tell him everything about my plan in hopes he agrees with it.

"Are you insane y/n? No way is that ever going to work, this is Shawn we're talking about here, he's stubborn and arrogant and this plan stands no hope."

"Really, this is the only plan I've got so we're using it."

We arrive at Chubbie's, I rush inside to find Chubbie to ask him a very serious question.

"Hey Chubbie, can I ask for a really big favor?" I say to him.

"Yeah, sure, depends what it is though," Chubbie says.

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