A Pill

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1 month later

It's become a routine at this point. Every time Shawn sleeps over, he comes and sleeps with me, not telling Cory, our little secret. Three days ago, mum found out, and so she obviously told dad. However she did promise me that she won't tell Cory and that dad won't tell him either. 

She came into my room early one morning, she sat on my bed, I knew this means she wanted to talk.

"I know that Shawn's been staying in your room when he sleeps over. I also know Topanga has been sleeping in Cory's room so don't think this is an attack on you, your dad his having the same conversation with him right now."

"Ok, yes, you've caught us all, are we done now, because you do know that you can't stop us right?"

"Yes, I know but you're at that age now I think we should have... the talk."

"Eww mum, no, please just don't, we don't need to talk about it."

"Like I said Cory is getting the same talk which means you're getting the talk too."

"But he's older than me, he's been with Topanga pretty much all his life, there's a difference."

"I know, but it's about time."

"You're seriously going to torture me with this aren't you. We learn this all at school, I don't need another education on safe sex and consent and that using a condom is always a smart idea but just be aware, sometimes condoms can break. See I know how it works."

"Ok, good, you know all that then, but we need to have another talk."

"Oh, fun, what talk is that then?"

"I think it's time I put you on the pill."

"Put me on birth control. I mean, yes great idea, but when, why?"

"Again y/n you're in a relationship, and I know that soon you'll want to do things, so I think that is a safe back up option."

"Ok, yes fine, are we done?"

"Yes, I'll take you down to the doctors tomorrow."

"Yep, great, bye mum."

She shuts the door, and I begin to pace up and down my room. 

"Did we seriously just have that conversation," I say to myself.

I hear another door close, I instantly assume it's Cory's, I open the door and rush down the hall to Cory's room. I stand at the door and notice his expression, he shows fear, disgust and utter horror over his face.

"Did you just have the same conversation I had?" Cory asks, "was it that disgusting and graphic and horrifying that you now want to tear your eyes out?"

"Yes but I kinda slightly got out of it."

"How y/n? If I could do it again knowing there was a way out, I would've taken the way out."

"I simply told mum that we've already been learning it at school and she understood."

"I said that to dad, and I still didn't get an exemption, what did you do instead I noticed mum stayed a little while longer?"

"Mum's putting me on the pill."

"What pill?"

I wait a second for him to figure it out.

"Oh, wait what? why?"

"Cory we're 16, at this point we have certain urges that we will need to satisfy, and this is just an extra safety measure, I know Topanga's going to go on it soon too."

"Wait what? Topanga is going on the ... well you know what?"

"You can say it Cory, the pill," I start backing him into a corner which is beginning to freak him out, "birth control, used to prevent pregnancies while having sex, are you scare to do that, Cory? Are you scared to make love to Topanga?" I backed him into the back corner of his room, a nervous look covers his face, hands covering his ears, I can't hide my laughter for much longer.

"Ok, y/n I get it, are we done? Can I get out of here?"

I laugh and don't stop, "Yes... here," I say between breaths.

I call Topanga at 1 to come over so we can hang out, away from Cory and Shawn, I miss spending time with just her. She agreed to come over and showed up at the door 15 minutes later.

"That's for me," I call through the entire house, glad that Cory just didn't make it to the door.

"Aww y/n, it was so nice of you to invite my beautiful girlfriend over for me on such a horrific day," Cory tries to thank me.

"Actually, I'm here for y/n, its a girl emergency, it clearly doesn't involve you so bu-bye," Topanga tells Cory, I laugh as Topanga and I race up the stairs to my room. "So what is this umm... emergency that requires me to be here."

"Topanga, we've been caught."

"What do you mean we've been caught?"

"Mum and dad know that you and Shawn play swapsies, they say they're fine with it but umm... that means Cory and I had to have the talk today."

"What? Together?"

"No, my gave the talk to me and dad gave the talk to Cory," I say with a big sigh of relief.

"Dad made it an absolute hell for Cor, but I got out of it, however mum and I had the chat about the pill."

"The pill?"

"The pill. So tomorrow mum's taking me to the doctors and I'm going to be put on the pill."

"Have you and Shawn even discussed doing that yet?"

"We did actually. The day we got together, we were in the moment and we were so close to doing it, but Shawn actually called it off. He said, and I quote, I don't want to rush into this, lets just wait until we're at least a month into this relationship before we do anything else."

"Wow, Shawn Hunter, being mature. Hey, I think it's great you're going on the pill, you've been together for a month now, you seem to be getting pretty serious, maybe it will come to that, and at least you have the extra back up just incase a condom fails."

"Ok, yep, I think I'm done with this talk, how about you?"

"Yep definitely."

We chill out together for the rest of the day.

The next day, mum takes me to get the pill. I sit in the doctors office while mum talks to the doctor about giving me the pill. I'm nervous, this could open a whole new door for mine and Shawn's relationship.

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