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Cory begins to death stare us, my heart begins to race, my face remains still but I'm concerned this is not going to end well. 

"What's up guys?" I hear Shawn say next to me. My heart really begins to race now, I can't control it.

"We were wondering if you've both finished your homework that maybe we could all go to Chubbie's, but I see you both just got your books out," Cory says with a confused look on his face.

"Oh yeah, don't worry about it, we'll just do it when we get back, Shawn's staying over right?" I tell Cory.

"Yes but guys, it's been 20 minutes, what the hell have you been doing in the last 20 minutes? Online shopping?"

"No, we been..." I stop Shawn as quickly as possible.

"We were discussing Shawn's now mature attitude, and his relationship," with me, I think to myself.

"Yeah sorry, if it's a chat about me we have to drop everything," Shawn says, this makes everyone laugh.

"That self-centered today, are we?" Topanga jokes. I begin to laugh so hard that I struggle to breath, Shawn catches me before I hit the ground.

I walk over to her and give her a high five, that was probably the funniest think she said all day.

Topanga grabs me and drags me out of my room, we run down the stairs and start heading to Chubbie's leaving the boys in the dust. We make it about three blocks before we start to slow down to catch our breaths.

Out of nowhere the boys began to run up behind us, they grab us by our waist, lift us off the ground and spin us around, before letting us go and settling us back on the ground. In that moment I really wanted to kiss Shawn but I know if I do, Cory will kill us. Unless for once in his life he'll be happy for us. However Shawn does kiss me on the cheek, which puts a large smile on me face. Right now it is difficult to watch Topanga and Cory be happy together, I could be if it weren't for Cory and his over dramaticness.

We sit in Chubbie's, the boys grab a booth sitting opposite each other. Topanga quickly grabs the seat next to Cory, so I slide in next to Shawn. Instantly I wish he could put his arm around me, and hold me like Cory does with Topanga. I'm regretting not telling Cory right now, if I whisper in Shawn's ear maybe we can quickly discuss telling Cory.

"So what is everyone having?" Shawn asks as he puts his hand on my thigh and squeezing it with a tight grip. This draws a small smile across my face that I attempt to hide from my brother.

Cory laughs, "I think we'll all be having our usual's Shawn."

Topanga and I walk up to Chubbie.

"Hey Chubbie, you know what to do," Topanga simply says and we walk to the bathroom. We approach the mirror and fix our hair and make up. I can already feel there are going to be a flood of questions from Topanga about earlier. In full honest, I wish the time didn't flush away like that, I wish that more happened in those simple 20 minutes that escaped our lives.

"So, y/n what actually happened better you and Hunter in your room today, what did Cory and I interrupt?"

"Not much Pang's, we walked into my room I closed the door he pulled me in and we made out," 

"For the whole 20 minutes." 

"Luckily we got our books out before you both barraged in."

"Wait what?"

"Oh it was great Topanga but I want to be able to do this with him in front of Cory, but again, it's Cory."

"Just tell him, face the consequence and move on, I'll help calm him down."

"I'm Cory's little sister and Shawn is Cory's best friend, if he knew anything I might end up homeless, potentially living with Shawn in the trailer park."

"Ok, ok, let's just see how long this lasts then."

We walk back out together and sit with the boys, I feel Shawn rubbing his hand up and down my thigh again. I feel comforted by the warmth of his hands. I can't wait for the bendy road to continue on.

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