College Decision

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Picking the right college to attend after high school is the hardest thing. Ideally, we would all like to end up in the same college, but there are so many other places with great opportunities. I filled out my application for Pennbrook a few months ago, potentially ending up at the same school as Eric, all my friends have applied there too, but I'm not sure if it's really the place I wanna go, where I want to end up. 

Topanga and I have been looking at other schools, without the boys knowing, high quality ones too. We've both applied for Harvard to see if maybe we could get in, but I know I stand no chance against the thousands of applicants. I've considered NYU, a place I thought is truly inspiring, we've both placed applications at Stanford. The thing is, we've got no clue about what to do, this is the hardest decision of our lives. We've looked to Mr. Feeny for guidance but he just recommended all the usual top schools for students like us, Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, all too expensive, but if I could get in through a scholarship, it would be a dream come true.

I sent my applications through ages ago and they say that this month all the places I've applied for are sending the letters out. I'm nervous and worried, I want to get to the mailbox before Cory so he doesn't see the other letters.

Cory told me earlier today that we're all going to Chubbie's for a big surprised he has for us, that really can't be good. Since Cory kinda had some privilege's taken away from him, I have to drive him down there, meeting Topanga and Shawn there. I should've made him walk, this drive would've been more peaceful that way.

"Cor, what is this surprise?" I ask.

"Oh, you'll see. We have to do it in front of everyone," he tells me.

"Do what?"

"You'll see."

I'm starting to become really irritated by Cory, lately he has been driving me mental. Topanga broke up with him, they went on a weird break, still completely in love with each other I might add, then they got back together. The reason they broke up in the first place was because of a love letter the cabin girl gave to him when we went on camp, and if my brother was just honest for once in his life, none of this would've happened. It put me in such an awkward position, I had to look after my best friend and fix my moping brother's mess. Not a very fun thing to do, and then Shawn when weird because of the break up, I just don't understand what is going on inside there heads.

We pull up at Chubbie's, Topanga and Shawn already waiting in our booth, confused as to why this 'meeting' was called. I sit next to Shawn, his arm wrapped around my shoulders and I plant a kiss on his cheek. Topanga and Cory sit opposite us, doing god knows what, they're literally like watching a horror film right now.

"So Cor, why are we all here?" Shawn asks.

"We'll I have presents for you all," he tells us.

"Hold on, what type of presents?" I say, concerned that my brother was going to pull some kind of prank or bullshit like that.

"It's nothing bad, I promise."

Out of nowhere he pulls out a bunch of envelopes, 4 to be exact, all with the words Pennbrook on them. 

"Did you steel our letters?" Topanga asks, "I've been waiting for it for week now."

"Yes, I did, but hear me out," Cory begins.

"He wanted us to open them together," I guess, cutting Cory off from his speech.

"Gee, thanks for ruining that," Cor says disappointedly. He hands them out, "a present for you, and a present for you, a gift for my lovely girl, and a present for me."

Topanga and I look at each other, this is one of several letters we were about to receive. If we don't make it in we have the other schools to hope for.

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