War On Brothers

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I could definitely say that mine and Shawn's story was completely different to Topanga and Cory's. We lived differently, we loved differently, we acted differently to Cory and Topanga, we were the opposite of them. One thing we all had in common was that we were always their for each other, and this was a time I needed to be there for Shawn.

Earlier this morning, Cory and Topanga went out to find a roommate for Eric, Cor was pushing for him to move out so he could finally have the bedroom to himself. When Eric came home one night with all his stuff, we all feared the worst, turns out he didn't hand in his dorm application slip so now he's back at home. Cory basically begged him to go sleep on the couch but Eric just made himself right at home.

I was at Chubbie's with Cor and Topanga when a familiar face walked into the room looking for a roommate. Instantly Cory jumped out of his seat and began to rush over to the guy telling him all about our brother and how he was going to Pennbrook and needed a new place to stay. The boy excepted the number Cory gave him, and just in that moment, Shawn walked through the door. His expression instantly changed once he saw who Cory was talking to.

"What are you doing here?" Shawn said in a nasty tone. I instantly realize who he this, I rush over to Shawn and grab a hold of him.

"Hey Shawn, I just moved here from New York," the boy says.

"Don't hey Shawn me what are you doing here?" he asks.

"I got into Pennbrook, I thought I could move here, be closer to you and dad. Finally get to know my little brother."

"Your little brother?" Cory questions.

"Cory this is my half brother Jack," Shawn says.

"What?" Cory says in shock.

"And who is this young lady attached to you?" Jack asks.

"This is my girlfriend y/n, but really Jack, its none of you business and I think you should leave," Shawn tells him.

"Well it's nice to meet you all, lovely lady you got yourself Shawn, maybe I'll see you all later."

I grabbed a hold of Shawn tight, didn't let go, I could see his face changing color and shapes. He told me about his brother a few years ago, how he left and never answered any of the letters Shawn wrote to him, he never heard or seen his brother until now. It broke him, I didn't want to make him stay here so I grabbed a hold of his hands and dragged him outside to his car. I didn't quite have my learners yet but I was getting pretty close, I opened the drives door and made Shawn get in, I walked around to the other side where I hopped in the passenger seat. He drove me back to his place because I knew he wanted to talk to his dad. He rushed out the car and walked his way towards his trailer yelling for Chet to be ready about the news he was about to share.

"Hey Chet, sorry about all this," I say to him.

"It's ok dear, we're used to Shawn's crazy by now," he laughs.

"Dad, I don't think you understand how serious what I'm about to tell you is," Shawn says.

Suddenly knocks came from the door, Shawn went to open it and once he did he instantly regretted it. He opens the door, sees Jack, then quickly slams the door shut again.

"Hey kid, what was that for?" Chet asks.

"Dad, he left us, why would you ever want anything to do with him?" Shawn asks.

"Come on in Jack," Chet yells out.

Shawn looks pissed, he comes and sits down next to me, I hold his hand and try to make him look at me so I could give him some reassurance, but he sat there staring at his father and brother completely pissed. I kissed him on the cheek which makes him smile a little but his face instantly went back to a frown after that, I run my hand up and down his arm, hoping that might soothe him. We sit there and watch as Chet and Jack discuss what they've missed out on all these years. Jack tells his father how he lives just on the outskirts of town and is looking for a new roommate.

"Hey Shawn, I think this would be a great opportunity for you to get to know your brother a bit more, and get out of the trailer park, don't have to live like this anymore," Chet says.

"Yeah, Shawn, there's a room free just for you," Jack says.

"What are you crazy? I'm not living with someone who completely ditched his family, never called, never messaged, why do you choose now to get to know me, you've literally had my entire life to do that but no, you never wanted to. It's not happening dad," Shawn tells them.

"Shawn, you're moving in with your brother and that is my final decision," Chet says.

"What, no dad, you can't make me!"

"Boy, I'm not going to let you spend another minute in this place, you've lived a poor life your entire life because I was an idiot, you are not wasting this perfect opportunity to get out." Chet sounded really serious, it honestly began to frighten me.

"Sorry for coming in dad, I think I'm just going to leave, call you later," Jack says on his way out, Chet nods.

"Why don't you kids head on into Shawn's room," Chet says. I grab Shawn's hands and walk into his room.

I can tell he really hates his father right now, and I want to take his mind off all of this, but right now probably isn't the right time to rip my clothes off and tell him to fuck me. I shut his door, then hug him, I know there is so much he wants to talk about so I stay the night. I really hope he becomes ok with it because whether he likes it or not, he's going to end up living with his older brother.

"You know what pissed me off the most, it was that he was commenting on you and staring at you pretty much the entire time we were together. Hey, thank you so much for just being there, I don't think I could've survived today without you," Shawn says.

"Well it didn't take me too long to figure out who he was by the expression on your face, and yeah he might have been looking at me, but he's probably super proud of you, I mean, you ended up with a pretty hot chick if I do say so myself," I tell him modestly.

"I couldn't agree more, I'm literally the luckiest guy in the world to have ended up with you."

"Hey, we're like Cory and Topanga, we'll last forever."

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