The Apologetic Soul

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Y/n Pov

I wake up the next morning and notice I have the bed to myself, curious about where my loving boyfriend disappeared to, I got up, placed one of Shawn's shirts on (my favorite one) and walked into the kitchen. I see he's attempting to make breakfast so I go up and kiss him on the cheek.

"Well good morning to you to," he says as he turns around and kisses me properly.

"What are you making us this morning?" I ask.

"My famous pancakes, with some whip cream faces."

I laugh and walk around the kitchen to the little TV in the living room. I watch TV and wait for Shawn to finish cooking. All of a sudden there was a knock on the front door, I walk over to go check it out. I open the door and find my brother standing outside with his guilty, apologetic look.

"Well, great, it's my brother, why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable?"

"Yeah, umm... thanks." Cory enters and I have no words to say to him. He walks up to Shawn where he begins what seems like an attempt at an apology speech. "Ok, I'm sorry about yesterday it's just, you've been my best friend my entire life, and I understand you've been hers all her life too..."

"I have a name you know. It's y/n. You know your little sister," I interrupt.

"Yes I know, it's just, I never thought that I'd ever lose you, your my best bud, but I do know you're entitled to have relationships. I never thought that you'd end up with my sister though, and I understand because she's the most loving, caring, respectful person I know, other than Topanga, but still, she's probably the best decision you've ever made in your life, and I want you to be happy, both of you. And look y/n, if I'm going to be completely honest..."

"Which you are!" I add in.

"I was threatened by you, by the fact you and Shawn are in a relationship, that you might have it better than me, like you're now probably the closest person to Shawn. I know everything that has happen in the last 3 months, keeping that secret from me was to protect the fact that even though Shawn is right there, he doesn't really belong to me anymore."

"Cor, he never belonged to anyone. My man is a free man and he has the right to choose what he wants to do in life, I'm glad I'm with him and I trust his word." I walk up to Shawn and hug him on his side.

"I am happy for you both though and I'm sorry it came out so badly."

"Hey, it's ok Cor, if I was in your shoes I'd probably have the same reaction," Shawn admits. "Well, we're having pancakes with whipped cream faces if you want to join us."

"No it's fine, you 2 can spend the rest of your morning together, how about at lunch all 4 of us go to Chubbie's for a double date, how does that sound?" Cory asks.

"Sounds great Cor," Shawn says.

He walks right out the door and turn to face Shawn, I wrap my arms around his neck, kiss him and he lifts me up. He walks us back into his bedroom, ignoring the breakfast he made for us.

"Ready for round 2?" he asks.

"Yeah," I say smiling back at him.


Sorry this chapter is so short, I hope all of you's who have continued to read this story are enjoying yourselves, please feel free to comment any suggestions you might have for a future chapter, always looking for some more inspiration.

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