Nice Try

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Y/n Pov

I roll over and find myself in Shawn's arms, slowly waking up. He rubbed one hand up and down my back as I slowly open my eyes. I see him staring at me as I look up at him.

"Morning babe," he says.

"Morning," I say as I tuck my head into his chest trying to go back to sleep.

"Yeah, morning," I hear Eric say, as the door swings open.

"What are you doing in here?" Shawn asks.

"I could ask you the same question."

"Umm... this is my room, last time I checked."

"Yeah, but my little sister is over. You sleep on the couch when she's over, why are you in bed with her?"

I roll over to face Eric, "because I told him he could sleep in here. Got a problem with it, take it up with my lawyer. Oh wait, that's me."

Eric stands there, no comeback, I lie in Shawn's arms and laugh. Eric closes the door as he walks away, I roll back over to face Shawn and hide in his chest. He holds me tight as I try to go back to sleep, I close my eyes and Shawn runs his fingers through my hair and places kisses on my head.

I wake up an hour later, Shawn hadn't moved but he was wide awake, still holding onto me. I look up at him as he looks down on me, my hands on his chest I kiss him on the lips. I sit up in the bed as Shawn gets up and grabs some pants. 

"How'd you sleep?" he asks.

"Pretty good, the extra hour sleep gave Eric a slight delay for me strangling him later," I tell him, he laughs.

He walks over to me, grabs my hands and pulls me out of bed. We walk out of his bedroom, his arm wrapped around my shoulder and mine around his waist. I was surprised to see Eric and Jack still here, sitting on the couch in the living room. 

"Well, look who it is?" Eric says.

"Shut it Matthews," I tell him.

"Hey, you're one too."

"Yeah, but I get the choice of changing my last name when I get married, you're stuck with Matthews for life. You never know, I could be a future Hunter."

Eric looked at me in complete horror, Jack seemed shock and behind me Shawn stood with the biggest smirk on his face. He walked up behind me and wrapped one arm around my waist and the other passed me a freshly made hot chocolate. He still had that cheeky grin as he looked at Eric who was now giving him a death stare.

"Didn't you know? Shawn proposed to me last night," I tell Eric as a joke, showing the promise ring that sits on my ring finger. He basically had a heart attack in his seat as he dramatically falls to the ground. We all laugh at him knowing how much he over reacted. 

"It's just a promise ring, dumbie," Shawn says to Eric.

Eric scrambles off the floor, catching his breath and sits back on the couch. "YOU GAVE MY SISTER A PROMISE RING?" Eric stresses.



"Uh, because I love her, and I can't picture my life without her," Shawn tells him, "and no matter what, I will always look after her and protect her."

"Yeah, sure, but I don't believe the whole protecting part, that's my job."

"I believe him," I tell Eric.

"Remember what happened last time?" Eric points out.

"Remember how much of a bitch I am when you piss me off," I point out.

After I said that he backed down real quick. The boys grabbed their stuff and walk out the door leaving Shawn and I alone. Shawn turned to the kitchen and made us some grilled cheese sandwiches, it tasted amazing. We're in the middle of summer break with nothing better to do but to stay at home or go out. After eating the grilled cheese I walked back into Shawn's room and get some clothes out. One of Shawn's draws have all my clothes in it for when I come over to his, when I'm not here he washes it for me and puts it away. It's super sweet of him.

I reach for my light blue denim shorts that sit high on my thighs and I grab one of Shawn's shirts to throw over the top. I walk into his bathroom and brush my hair, I braid my hair to keep it off my face so it doesn't annoy me. I remove any make up left on my face from last night and take a birth control pill before walking out of there.

Shawn threw on a dark gray striped button up shirt. I walk in and kiss him on the cheek.

"It's my turn to take you somewhere," I tell him.

"Oh yeah, and where's that?" he asks.

"It's a surprise."

"You think you're going to drive my truck don't you?"

"Just give me the keys, it ruins the surprise if you don't."

"You're going to have to wrestle me for them," he says waving the keys in the air.

I stare into his eyes, wrap my arms around his neck, he lowers his hands down to my waist and I lean in real close, almost touching his lips before snatching the keys out of his hand and running out the door.

"I guess I win," I told him as I wait for him in the elevator.

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