Look After Her

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1 week later

I've been avoiding Cory, but Topanga and Shawn have been really supportive, Topanga has had multiple chats with him, but its not like Cory knows how to listen. Shawn refuses to talk to him or go anywhere near him, I told him it was fine because I know they've been friends all their lives and it was ok, it was mine and Cory's argument. He always hanging with me now and when he comes over he only talks to everyone but Cory, he's like a voice in the wilderness.

"Hey, Y/n," I hear a voice call from across the hall.

I turn around and see Eric walking down the hall. I was so confused, Eric graduated last year and was supposed to be helping dad at the store.

"Hey, Eric, umm... what are you doing here? Did you forget that you don't go here anymore?"

"No, no, I remembered, I actually asked dad if I could come pick you up early today, I thought that maybe we could go to Chubbie's or go get ice cream or whatever."

"Aww, are you trying to make me feel better?"

"What no" Eric says in the most sarcastic voice.

"Ok Eric, quickly talk to Feeny and I'll go get my stuff."

I walk off and go grab all my stuff out of my locker and throw my bag on my back. Shawn comes around the corner, wraps his arms around me, I lean my head into his chest.

"Why are you packing your bags? Its the middle of the day," he asks.

"Eric came to pick me up early, I think he's trying to make me feel better about what Cory said last week, you know mum and dad don't even know this happened, if they did they would've sat Cory down, yelled at him and he would've come over and gave a sarcastic apology."

"He still hasn't apologized? How long is this going to go on for?"

"However long it takes for Cory to realize what an idiot he is, anyway babe, Eric just came out of Feeny's office so I'm assuming we're going to leave now," I say, I quickly kiss Shawn on the cheek and follow my older brother out of school.

We walk out of the school past Cory, he looked confused and caught Eric's attention.

"Eric, where are you going? Why are you taking y/n out of school and not me too?" Cory asks Eric.

"You know what Cor, I'm trying make OUR sister feel better cause YOU were a complete jerk to her the other day. Are you happy with yourself?"

"No, I'm not, I've lost my best friend because of her, I'm being lectured by Topanga at least 1 hour a day, I've lost a lot because of her!"

"No not because of her its because of you, don't you ever forget that your actions have consequences and sometimes you have to face up to those consequences. Now I think its best you think over what you've done," I hear Eric say before he grabs me by my shoulder and walks me out of the building.

We hop in Eric's car and he drives me to the mall. It was a major surprise to me.

"Eric, what are we doing here?"

Eric hands me his card and I stare at him absolutely mesmerized, I accept it and he comes around and opens my door.

"Eric, seriously, you don't have to."

"I saved about $500 this week so I could take you out to go eat, and buy whatever you want."

"Eric, that is so nice of you but like I said you don't have to."

"No y/n I insist, you need a big brother who will help you and I'm always going to be that brother, Cory will learn to mature, it just comes with age."

"Now that's about the wisest thing you've said to me all my life, I really appreciate this Eric," I walk over to him and give him a big hug.

The first place we go is to the ice cream parlor, I grab my favorite ice cream and Eric gets a choc mint one. I drag him all through the mall, to clothes shops and book shops, we got DVDs and music players. We tried on funny glasses together and had our own little fashion show until we got kick out of that store. I even got to go to the beauty parlor and got my hair, make up and nails done.

"Hey, umm, Eric. There's one more place I'd like to go before we head home."

"Yeah sure, where is it?"

"We're going to have to go on a little drive to get there," I tell him.

We hop back in the car with our tremendous amount of bags, and drive to our final destination. We park at a little baseball park near the school.

"Wow, I remember this place. Dad used to teach us how to play ball here."

"Yeah, I come here by myself sometimes. I like to just have flash backs to when we were younger. We used to have mini games that we played together, I was obviously the best at it, I'd hit the ball to the other side of the oval, Cory used to complain a lot because he'd have to run and get it. Over there is where I used to stand and strike you all out. I guess everything dad taught me I did well."

"I remember all that, we used to have the time of our lives out here. Why'd we stop coming?"

"The more kids dad had, the more he had to work and pay the bills, keep the food on the table, he lost most of his free time with us. He has to book days off work in order to hang out with us now."

"Wow, I miss the good old days, thanks for bringing us here."

"I mean, you're the one who drove us."

"Very true."

"Eric, I don't want to go home, I'm tired of having to face Cory every night and he has nothing to say to me, not even a simple apology."

"I think you might find one when we get home y/n."

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