Late Curiosities

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I've been in and out of Shawn's new place for the last 2 weeks, staying the night, spending time with my brother, getting to know my boyfriend's brother and having more fun with Shawn than every before, but only when Eric is out. It's weird, I've lived with Eric for nearly 16 years of my life and now he's just been palmed off to Shawn, I do wish him good luck there. I noticed that Eric is super protective when I'm over, tries to make me stay in his room and he sleeps in Shawn's but I know how to win all the battles with my brother, so I always end up in Shawn's room. Jack has been staring at me a lot lately too, ever since the night I got him and Shawn to make up and become brothers again, its kinda creeping me out, I think Shawn's staring to see it too, he signals something to his brother then Jack looks away, its weird.

"Wake up sleepy head," I hear Shawn say as he throws a pillow on my head.

"Ow, seriously Shawn? It's too early," I tell him.

"No it's not, it's a school day, we got to get up."

"I'm sure Feeny won't mind if we're late, come back to bed."

"Rise and shine children, it's a school day and I better see you up and dressed before Jack and I leave this morning," Eric says throwing the door open.

"It's too early Eric, won't you let you little sister sleep for another hour or two."

"I'd love to but then I'd have to deal with mum and dad who would be questioning me about why you weren't at school on time, get up."

"Wow, some nice big brother you are," I say as Eric walks away.

"You heard the man, up you get," Shawn tells me.


I feel Shawn's arms wrap around me and he lifts me up bridal style, I quickly wrap my arms around his neck in fear of falling. 

"Don't scare me like that Shawn," I say.

"Well, I think you're awake now, we need to have a shower, then we have to get ready for school."

"Is there a lock on that door? Can we have one together?"

"Yeah, there's a lock. Why? What are you planning?" Shawn asks.

"Well, there's another thing that could really help wake me up this morning," I say as Shawn pulls my hips in towards him, he leans down and kisses me, before grabbing our towels and heading into the bathroom.

I close the door and I made sure it is locked so Eric couldn't get in, he was about to leave in 5 minutes anyway. I rip off my clothes as Shawn turns the shower to a nice temperature. I stepped in and took in the droplets of warmth that landed on my skin. Shawn followed in behind me, he placed one hand on my back and the other on my cheek, water falling down his face as he looked at me. He leans in towards me and plants a kiss on my forehead, I look up and kiss him right back. He turns me around and pins me up against the wall, I couldn't hide my smile, he lifted me up, my legs wrap around his hips, my arms around his neck. You know what happens next.

We come out of the shower, Eric and Jack had already left, we both hadn't realized the time after having so much fun in the shower, it was already 10.30. We missed the first 2 periods this morning, luckily it wasn't Turner's or Feeny's class, but if we go ready quick enough, we'll be there in time for recess. I throw on the clothes I had stashed in Shawn's draws, pack my bag, brush my h/c hair and leave it flowing down my back. We rush out the door, Shawn locks the door and we head down the elevator outside to Shawn's car. We jumped in and drove "sensibly" to school, not causing any issues on the road. We raced through the front doors and to our lockers blending in with the rest of the kids. Topanga finds me, in that moment I realized I had a class with her this morning, she's going to have so many questions.

"So, where were you this morning?" she instantly asks.

"I was... umm... I slept in this morning," I tell her.

"I'm sorry but there is no way Eric would let you sleep in when you stay over."

"Well, I mean, I did sleep in, then I had a shower, and Shawn joined me, and shit happened."

"You did that in the shower, first thing in the morning."

"Umm... yeah, that kinda happened, but Eric and Jack were well out of the apartment before anything started."

"Lucky, you would've screwed."

"I was screwed," I joke, Topanga laughs with me.

"Yeah, that was a good one. You're lucky you came in time, we've got Feeny's class next."

As soon as Topanga says that, I notice Angela walk past us and over in Shawn's direction. He's standing with Cory so I hoped she wouldn't make any moves on him while my brother was standing there. But she did, I see her grab Shawn's hand and walk away from where I could see him, Cory walks over here after Shawn is led away.

"What does she want with him?" I questioned my brother.

"Not a clue sis, she said she wanted to speak to him privately," Cor tells me.

"That bitch better not be stealing my man from me, I'll fucking kill her."

"Hey remember our discussion, Shawn loves you, he would never cheat or break up with you."

"How can you be so sure with snakes like her around?"

"I know my best friend. He's not a complete idiot."

"Yeah but he also knows how to mess around with girl's hearts. Maybe he's just been playing with mine for the last year."

"No, he wouldn't."

"I'll just have to find out what happened later."

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