Senior Year

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So this chapter doesn't really relate to it's title but I promise I am getting somewhere with it. Also sorry it's so late, I've been away since it's been Christmas break and New Years, I thought I'd take some time to myself and spend it with my family. Thanks for the continual support of my story, it's really appreciated.


Senior year. It's going to be the best year of my life, having Shawn, my brother and Topanga by my side. Once again, all of us were in Feeny's class, all my classes are with Topanga, I'm just behind Topanga in A's, averaging over 500's since elementary school. There's no competition, I've just been letting her win all these years. 

Topanga and I walk into English together, and sit together in the middle of the class. I look at her hand and notice something new about it, she has a ring that I've never seen before, on her ring finger like mine.

I gasp, "did Cory get you a promise ring?"

"Yeah, I got in on Christmas, well Christmas eve."

"What? How did I not notice?"

"Because it was winter and it was too cold to have my hands out of the gloves."

"Yep, well that makes sense. How did it happen?"

"Remember when Cory ran off to Shawn's. Then he came back and gave me the ring, and I got him one too so we both have one."

"Aww, really? That's so sweet."

"Yeah. Well, Shawn clearly gave you yours recently too."

"Yeah, when we went on our date, it was adorable."

"Was that your big drive-in date?"

"Yeah. I had so much fun."

"No doubt."

The teacher brings the attention to the front of the class, and we sit there and work doing everything we needed to. Topanga ended up writing 3 pages of an essay that isn't due for another month, and she hadn't even finished it, that poor teacher.

We walk out of class, place our books in our lockers and head to the parking lot. We have no clue where the boys are so we hop in my car and drive off. 

"Hey, where are we going?" she asks.

"I want you to meet someone, he's like Mr. Feeny, great at advice, he's like another big brother to me. He's been my best friend for years," I tell her.

"You have friends besides us?" Topanga jokes.

"Yeah, surprisingly, he was actually Eric's best friend when we were young, but he's always been a big brother figure."

"Who is this guy?"

"Well, you're about to meet him," I tell her as we drive into his driveway, "we're here."

We get out of the car and walk up to the front door. The door opens before I knock, and Jamie stands on the opposite side.

"Hey precious, what are you doing here?" he says.

"Hey Jamie, I came for another visit, I missed you. Brought my friend Topanga."

"Pleased to meet you Topanga."

"You too Jamie," she says. "So is this where you ran off to on your birthday?"

"Yeah, this was the only place I could go," I told her.

We stayed there for a while, before leaving to go catch up with the boys.

"I swear to god Jack, if you can't find them, I'm going to kill you," I hear Shawn say as we get out of the car.

"I wonder what that's about," Topanga says before walking inside to find Cory.

Shawn's leaning against his car with a devastated look on his face.

"Hey baby, what's going on?" I ask with a gentle tone.

"Oh, it's nothing, Jack and Eric just lost something important, and if they don't find it I'm going to rip there heads off when I get home," he tells me.

"It's ok, they'll find it, don't stress."

"You don't get it, it's sentimental, I lent it to Jack expecting him to take care of it, but they lost it." He's starting to panic, sweat drips down his face and he's entire body begins to shake.

"Hey, it's ok," I say leaning into hug him.

"Y/n, you don't get it, it's the last thing my dad gave me before he ran off again. Jack wanted to use it and he promised he wouldn't lose it. But here we are."

"He'll find it, I'm sure of it. Have you met the boy, he's terrified of me, if he didn't find it, he'll be searching again pretty quick."

"Hahaha, thanks babe," he says kissing me on the forehead, "you're the best."

We walk inside to find Cory and Topanga. They're sitting in the loungeroom, Cory's books scattered all over the coffee table.

"So how much work have you all got?" Cory asks.

"Lets see, there's, english, history, psychology, and all the rest of it, pretty much all of my classes gave me assignments," I tell them.

"Same," they all say in sync.

"Jinx," Cory quickly shouts, like we're in 5th grade again.

"Cory we're not 10 any..." I begin.

"Padlock," Shawn shouts.

Cory quickly made a fist at Shawn, devastated he'd lost. Now he is sat there with his arms crossed like a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Topanga and I laugh at Cory as he sits there with a disgusted look on his face.

"So what are we all doing then? Homework or go out?" I ask.

"Go out, definitely go out. I'm not studying and starting assignments on the first day," Shawn says.

"Shawn you don't study or do assignments," I point out.

"Exactly, so why should I start now?"

"Because if you don't Mr. Hunter, if you don't do those things, you won't graduate this year," Mr. Feeny says.

"Where did you come from?" Shawn says shocked to see Feeny.

"I came from my house. You funny thing, I live right next door to the Matthews house, and sometimes I'm invited in to talk to the family."

"Haha very funny Feeny."

"So Mr. Hunter, what are you going to do? Do the homework assigned by the teachers and graduate with your friends or don't do the homework and stay back a year while your friends are in collage."

"I'm not going to get into collage Feeny, look at me, my intellect is not very high, I rarely pass classes. Let's be honest, school isn't my thing."

"Well make it your thing, you could be pretty good at it if you tried every once in a while. You never know, you could be smarter than Cory if you tried."

"I don't need to try to be smarter than Cory," He says, emphasis on the try. "I top him in lots of things."

"Well do that, try and be way smarter than Cory."

"Hey, why is my name being dragged through the dirt?" Cory says, but they both ignored him.

"Just try this year Shawn, you'll make it through easier," Feeny says before turning away.

I grab Shawn arm and snuggle up to him, I think he just realized how much of a deal this year is.

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