Broken Home

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I've been on the pill for 3 weeks now and my hormones have been a flying storm of crazy. I'm glad to have Shawn here next to me, he's been so helpful and supportive. He's been bringing me gift, holding me for longer, kissing me whenever, it just makes me feel so happy and safe with him.  We've had some close calls though, Cory knows I'm on the pill so when he catches us hugging Shawn just says that he's comforting me because I'm having a hard time emotional, even when I was having a small life crisis Shawn gave me a hand. I think Cory was beginning to catch on, but we kept lying and trying to hide it.

"Hey, Shawn," we hear Cory yell from the other end of the cafeteria, "are you coming over tonight, the Phillies are playing, I know how much you love them?"

"Hey, ahh, yeah sure Cor, wouldn't mind coming over to hang out," Shawn responses.

"Hey, yeah, sure Cor, I'd love to join you. You know how much I love the Phillies, this is going to be great, I get to hang out with my brother and my boy... my, my best friend."

"What were you about to say?" Cory questions.


"Oh, it's probably nothing Cor, just a stumble on words or something, don't question the poor girl in her sensitive state," Shawn jumps in and saves.

After school, Cory walks Topanga home and Shawn walks me home. 20 minutes later Cory comes storming through the front door, "Shawnie."

"Corkie," Shawn and I scream back at him.

"Oh wow, thanks guys," Cory begins to walk off to his room.

"Oh, come on Cor, you know we're just messing," I tell him.

"Really, cause I can't seem to tell anymore, Shawn, you're always hanging around y/n now, I feel like I don't see you anymore, you're my best friend not hers."

"Well you hang out with Topanga all the time, you're the one I don't get to see anymore, you vanished, you spend time with your girlfriend, and once you started to do that, I grew closer to y/n."

"But Shawn, that's my sister, I never actually wanted her hanging around us all the time."

"Really it that what you think of me, just keep me there to please others, don't actually want me around so you pretend to be nice to me. Don't forget you were the one who stole my best friend first, not the other way round. You disappeared from Shawn's life so yes we got closer, seriously what's your issue?" That's the last thing I tell Cory before storming off to my room.

Shawn's Pov

"Dude, what the hell? Is that seriously how you're going to treat your little sister?"

"What's the problem? Seriously? She's my sister and I can say whatever I want. I was just being honest, you knew from the beginning I didn't want her hanging around us."

"Yes but you stole her best friend, which left her with what?"


"Me, Cor, that left her with me, I was there while you were off with Topanga, I helped her through a whole lot of shit and you disappeared, you're not the brother she deserves." I say to Cory, I start to run up the stairs to her room.

"Luckily she has two then, cause clearly I'm never going to be that person," I hear Cory call out as I disappear.

I approach her room and hear her crying. I quickly open the door, go up to her and hug her. I refused to let her go until I was completely calm.

"Hey, hey, y/n, its ok, I'm here now," I say, "its going to be ok."

"I know, I know, its stupid, but he has everything, a girlfriend who fyi is my best friend, the attention of everyone in school, and a really hot, sexy best friend who he supposedly doesn't see that much. I mean we've had to keep our relationship a secret from him for the last 2 months, it is so unfair and I'm tired of it."

"I know babe."

She stays in my arms and I notice that she starts to fall asleep on my chest, I leave her there not wanting to disturb her. I sit there and play with her hair.

"I'm going to marry her one day," I whisper to myself.

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