The Anticipation

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Y/n pov

The school day has already begun and Shawn has less than 3 hours to kiss his crush. I haven't seen him at all this morning, I found myself hanging with Topanga. Not only was Shawn MIA but so was Cor. I was starting to get worried, but all I can do is hope for the best.

"So Panga have you seen the boys at all this morning," I ask her.

"Didn't you and Cory come to school together this morning, I figured he was with you."

"No, I thought he was walking you to school this morning?"

I heard a noise down the hall which could only mean trouble. Feeny, Turner and the other male faculty are screaming as we watch Shawn and Cory run past the hall and into a supply closet.

"Mr. Hunter, Mr. Mathews I highly suggest you step out of that supply closet right now before worse punishment could be called upon," Mr. Feeny tells the boys.

What did they do now. I look around at the teachers to see the fuss and notice how blue their hands are.

"He did the god damn blue dye soap without me." A look of devastation spread over my face as my brother and best friend stepped out of the closet.

"Detention both of you, this afternoon, my classroom," Feeny told them.

Everyone dispersed except me. I walk up to Hunter extremely displeased.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked me.

I push him up against the lockers, "what the hell was that, you promised me we'd do that prank together, what the hell."

"Hey, hey, hey, chill out, it was one prank we've got heaps more in the bank."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you still have a bet to complete now," I say as I step back from him.

The siren goes and Shawn doesn't move, as the halls start to clear out I wonder what he's up to.

"Hey, y/n wait."

I stop and turn towards him, giving an angry stare and the finger. The halls are almost cleared out and we aren't going to class.

"Shawn what are we doing, we've got class literally as we speak."

"I'm completing the bet, I promised you a front row seat remember?"

I'm expecting this gorgeous girl to come around the corner. We continue to stand there until the second siren goes. I begin to get impatient.

"So, where is she Shawn?"

"She's standing right in front of me," he says in the sweetest way possible.

He walked straight up to me, pulls me in and kisses me. I didn't realise what he was doing until he pulled away.

"I'm sorry where is she, I cant seem to see her," I joked.

He kissed me again, more passionately this time, he made the message loud and clear. I didn't want this moment to end, it was the best feeling in the world.

Shawn's pov

I did it, I finally did it, I told her how I feel and all I did was press my lips against hers. She didn't pull away and she didn't hesitate for a moment, was this all a fantasy. I hope Mr. Turner doesn't mind us being late, but hopefully he'll understand after what I told him last night. My God she's the girl of my dreams, I adore her.

"Y/n, I've liked you for a while now, since we were in the 6th grade and we had that water fight day. The best day of my life, besides today, excluding the detention part, but I wanted you to know now that I'm glad you gave me that bet, it gave me a once in a life time chance to open up to the girl I'm in love with."

"Same Shawn, I have liked you since the same day, I just never wanted to admit it..."

"Because of Cory?"

"Of course because of Cory, I mean have you met the guy, he might kill us if he found out we like each other, but Shawn, I really like you and I want to have a thing with you, but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen."

"Then how about we don't tell him then, keep it on the DL you know, just you and me baby."

"Let me think, hiding a secret relationship with my brothers best friend from my brother who is already in love with one of my best friends, yeah sure, why the hell not."

"Great, I'll pick you up after school and we can go out, maybe to Chubbie's."

"Shawn I think you're forgetting something."


"You have detention after school with my brother and Feeny remember."

"Oh yeah, forgot about that, then I'll pick you up from yours."

Y/n pov

He wraps his arms around my waist and gives me one last kiss before walking me into Mr. Turner's class.

"Nice of you to finally join us, where the hell have you been, to Mexico and back," Turner asks.

"Yeah well pretty much Mr. T."

"I'll let you off this time but next time you'll both be in detention."

I was curious to why Turner let us off so easily. Don't get me wrong he's like the nicest teacher in the school but being 20 minutes late into a class, probably isn't highly recommended. I look across from me and notice Shawn gazing at me. I begin to blush, and a smile wipes over my face. He's mine finally, and I'm not planning on letting go, not even for Cory.

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