Potential Threat pt 1

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Our relationship was on top of the world, everything was going perfectly. Shawn and I have been together for over a year now, we've made it to our junior year together. Cory, Topanga, Shawn and I are all in Mr. Turner's and Mr. Feeny's class, but for the rest of it, we're all in separated classes. I share science with Shawn, maths with Topanga, PE with Cory and all the rest of it. 

There's this new girl that just moved here, her name is Angela, she has so many great interests, like her love of poetry and classical music. She's such a different person to anyone I've ever met, I thought Topanga was weird and different, but Angela reminds me of those moments I spent with Topanga when we're younger. When Angela and I first started to hang out, I tried to keep her away from my brother and his, well, what words could you used to describe Cory's awkward, quirkiness, and I wanted to have some personal space away from the usual group, that includes Shawn. It's been nice to hang out with Angela, have a carefree day with her, hang out after school on Thursday's and just have a good time.

It's a Friday afternoon, Shawn and I just walked out of science, Angela's classroom is right across from ours. Angela grabs a hold of my arm and pulls me back.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Hey, umm... who's that guy you were walking out of class with?" she asks.

"Umm... well that's my boyfriend, Shawn Hunter."

"Wow, you're really luck, he's super hot."

"Yeah, umm... thanks, he's great." I was extremely lost. Does my new best friend have a crush on my boyfriend? I don't know how to react, I want to ask, but I want to run away too.

"I bet he is. How long have you too been together?"

"Just over a year."

"Really congrats, he must treat you like an absolute queen."

"Yeah, he really does I love him so much."

"Are you ok if I talk to him? It'll be so great to get to know him, I could get closer to the both of you that way."

"Yeah, sure. Hey, I'm going to go see my brother for some stuff, I think he final has that money he owes me and I want it back before he spends it all."

"Hey, yeah, that's alright, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, bye."

I quickly walk away from Angela, completely overthinking that conversation. She was asking so many questions and it made me stress out more. I know that conversation didn't seem like much, but for me, that was the end of the world, it has the potential to ruin my relationship with Shawn and I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. I find Cor and tell him, we need to go home immediately and that I want that money back, I try to keep a straight face so he couldn't read the emotions flying off my face.

"Hey y/n, we'll go home now I promise but there is one issue about the other thing," he says.

"You spent all my money didn't you."

"Yep, not a cent left."

"Soon, you're going to have to owe me double."

"Ok, lets just go now, Eric told me this morning he was going to go out and get us a tub of ice cream so we'll see what happens."

We walk out the front door to Cory's car, I hop in the passenger seat and let Cory drive us home. When we got home, I quickly slam the door of Cory's car and run up stairs to hide my entire stress, freaking out face. I close my door, throw my bag down on my bed and start pacing up and down my room. I hear my brothers knocking on the door, as I'm trying to teach myself how to breath again.

"Hey, y/n, are you all good?" Cory calls out.

"I'm fine," I say while hyperventilating, trying to control every breath.

"You don't sound fine, y/n. Can we come in?" Eric asks.

"Yeah, ok, come in."

They open the door and I run into their arms, still trying to breath. I don't know why I'm so worked up over this, I mean, my new best friend just asked me questions about my boyfriend that I haven't really mentioned to her before, maybe she was just curious.

"Hey, y/n, what's wrong?" Eric asks.

"It's just, you know the new girl Angela?"

"Yeah," the boys say.

"Well, she's like a new friend to me, sometimes I hang out with her for something different, she does the same. So today, when Shawn and I were walking out of science, Angela pulled me aside and was asking me all these questions about Shawn, it makes me wonder if she has a crush on him. I'm worried that she might steel him away from me, that he might like her more than me when they officially meet, or that she might seduce him into falling for her. I don't know, I feel like I'm over reacting but maybe I'm not, what if I lose Shawn."

"Hey, it's ok, I get it. I'm in constant fear of losing Topanga, all these guys who look heaps better than me," Cory begins.

"Cory, not to be rude but its not the same. You and Topanga have an epic love story that will last eternity, and you told me when we were younger that she was going to be the one you were going to marry. You've pretty much been in a relationship your entire life, Shawn and I have been in a relationship for just over a year."

"Hey, yeah I know, but, y/n, Shawn loves you, with every bone in his body, with all the love in his heart, he always chooses you. He was willing to choose you over mine and his friendship, now that's true love," Cory says.

"Yeah, look. He takes you out, looks after you, spends every spare moment of his time with you, he loves you, y/n," Eric says.

"I know, but what if he starts talking to her, then realizes how amazing she is. In the end, he'll probably pick her, and I'll be left on my own. He's the only guy I've ever truly loved, the only one I'll ever care about, I don't what I'd do without him. Cory, you and Topanga ditched me and Shawn just a little bit, we became really close because you left us, now he's the person I absolutely adore, my whole world."

"Hey, its ok, I understand you're worried but you'll make it through, you're Y/n Matthews and if I know anything about the Matthews family, it is that we are strong, we get through every bump in the road, we are a team. You know if Shawn breaks your heart I break his face," Eric says.

"Hey, and I'll do the same but I'm not sure how well that'll end for me," Cory says.

"Thanks boys. You know, you're both truly great brothers," I tell them.

I begin to relax and hug my brothers tightly, I have some reassurance running through my veins but I'm still concerned. 

"Hey, so I went to the store today and I got us a tub of ice cream," Eric says.

"Yes, please get us some," I ask my brother. 

5 minutes later he comes back upstairs with 3 bowls of chocolate ice cream, I basically snatched the bowl out of Eric's hand just so I could have some. The ice cream seemed to relax me, I was beginning to feel heaps better. The boys left to go do their own things and I sat on my bed reading a book for most of the afternoon.

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