Who Needs To Know?

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Eric pushes me straight back out the door. Not only was I a few steps in, near the couch, where I was going to relax, but I was also taken away for another moment with Shawn.

"Hey Eric, what's up?" I question him.

He stands there still pointing at me. No words escape his mouth, he was frozen like a statue.

"Yes Eric?"

"You. Him. When? Where? Why? How? What?" He basically screams across the entire neighbourhood.

"Shhh, seriously Eric shut up. Yes ok, me and him, today, in the hall before first period, because we fell for each other, because of a bet, and finally yes we are dating."

"You do realise that is Cory's best friend, he will kill you both if he found out."

"He's my best friend too you know? And I'm a big girl I can take care of myself, if Cory wants to be mad at me, that's fine, it's on him then, not me."

"Ok, but just remember if it came down to you or Cory, he's always going to choose Cory. But I'm here as your big brother, waiting to break him if he breaks your heart."

"Thanks Eric, but trust me, I'm going to make this last, oh yeah, and one more thing, don't tell Cor," I give my brother a tight hug and walk back inside.

I can clearly tell they didn't wait for me as the lounge room was completely clear of any existence. I gracefully walk up the stairs, to Cory and Eric's room, where everyone was sitting on the floor.

"Come on Shawn, who is she?" I hear Cory ask Shawn.

"Well the only thing in going to say is, she's a total babe," he tells Cory.

My heart melted the way he said that to Cor. Not even together for 24 hours, and he's talking about me like a total queen. But why is he even discussing this in front of him, it's a secret remember dumbass, meaning Cory can not under any circumstances find out.

"Hey, y/n you're back," I hear Topanga call out.

"Yep, I'm here."

"What was that whole thing with Eric down stairs?" Cory asks.

"Oh its nothing to worry about," I glance at Topanga for more answers but she has just about as many answers as I do. "What did you all do in the 5 minutes I was fine?"

"Shawn was telling us about his new girl, he won't tell us who she is though, all he says is that he's finally mature enough to settle down into a proper relationship, like Topanga and I."

"Oh really?"

"Yes y/n I grew up in the last week," he smirks at me.

"Shawn you know it takes more than a week to grow up and mature, it takes time and effort," Topanga tells Shawn. "Remember girls aren't objects, you need to treat them like people too."

"Ok thanks Topanga but like I said, I've matured, anyway let's change the subject now, before I accidentally say something I don't want to" Shawn says.

"Well Shawn we have some science homework we have to get done and they probably have separate homework they have to deal with. So let's go to my room and finish that off."

I grab Shawn's hand and drag him to my room and I quickly shut my door. He pulls me in by my waist and kisses me. I pull away first even though I don't want to.

"What was that in Cory's room? You said we're keeping it a secret, a secret relationship you know, do not tell Cory under any circumstance."

"What do you mean? I know you've told Topanga and Eric..."

"Hey, hey, hey, they figured it out themselves, Eric spotted us and Topanga, I don't know how she found out but she did."

"Ok no more arguing, let just go back to this."

Once again he pull me in by the waist, and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and don't let go of the kiss. He pulls away first this time.

"Y/n we have to at least do some of the word," he attempts to convince me.

"Yeah, yeah, later we're occupied right now. "

I push him back onto my bed and sit in his lap our faces almost touching. We both go in to kiss each other again. I don't want to stop, and before we knew it 20 minutes had gone past. Once we finally stopped we got out our homework and began to finish it off. But just as we grabbed our books out, Cory and Topanga storm into my room. I see Topanga mouth the words I'm sorry. This is it, it's got to be, not even 24 hours into our secret relationship and we're screwed. We've been exposed, compromised, Topanga or Eric must have told him. Now we have to face up to our consequences.

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